Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Age At Which It Happens

One day, you realise that there are some people you'll never see again. At least, not in the same way.


  1. So, I have to look at people like I will never see them again. Because people change, and so does the way I look at them.

  2. So, I have to look at people like I will never see them again. Because people change, and so does the way I look at them.

  3. I love to never see certain people again. Especially the ones that proved themselves to be so much less. Dont be true to yourself. Following your true thoughts can be the dumbest thing ever. But go figure, the only had some of it. You need it all if you want to
    make it strong. Thank you Kali!

  4. Beacause one day you realise as you look across to them that you now see them as your everything :-)

  5. Very well put. This really epitomizes how a relationship with another person morphs.

  6. Something happened today. I don't want to be comforted. At times I just need a voice to my thoughts. This is exactly what I'm experiencing. Thank you.

  7. I'm not so sure I want to...
    The minute one gets to read the other and does not accept those thoughts... why would one ever want to keep seeing that person ?
    People don't change.
    Pushing one's limits and buttons doesn't end well.
    Let them go and be done with it.
    Your life is your own.

  8. i don't remember how long it's been since you've left. i just know that you're gone and the only way i really remember you is when my defenses are so low that i allow you into my dreams. some times it makes me wish my walls were weaker, then i see what you do to me..
    "i don't know where you went when you left me but says here in the water, you must be gone by now. i can tell somehow."

  9. It's funny how people hardly change in appearance, but how each day and minute and second there's a world just under the surface, swirling and rumbling and never staying the same...

  10. Once I saw someone as the sun of my universe,
    That sun burnt out fell from
    The sky.

    And dissolved,
    Now a lonely ghost on a path that doesn't cross mine.

  11. But what if one of those people, is myself?

  12. and that will be the saddest day ever...

  13. because people change and most of the time it is never on the changes we want.

  14. .. and the saddest past is, sometimes, people change to a person they don't want to be..

  15. Once in your life, if you are very lucky, you will meet the person who divides it to the time before you met her and the time after.

  16. I thought you came for me to see you again. But it has been weeks now, I never got to see you..

  17. This hit really close to home.


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