Friday, April 20, 2012

The Closeness Of Shadows

You still believe you're allowed to hurt the people who love you more than anyone else.


  1. this..broke me. I didn't know I will hurt myself for hurting someone who loves me so much.

  2. No, I don't. You make me feel guilty for the things I feel and the thoughts I have.

    But not anymore. These are my thoughts and these are my feelings and I'm proud of it.

    I am me and I am going to put me first.

    (Maybe one day I'll actually be able to say that to You. Maybe.)

  3. It is easy, you know they will always find a way to forgive you. However, will you ever forgive yourself after this realization? That, is the question.

  4. That...kind of...opened my eyes

  5. they say love is pain and sometimes in order to show how much you love a person, you have to hurt them by telling them something they dont want to hear...youth village also has awesome poems to share. check it out on

  6. I always hurt the people around me and it hurts so much to realize it is too late.

  7. it's the hardest feeling ever ,, to hust someone who really loves you ... unfortunately,,I'm about to do so the coming few days ..

    sometimes,, it becomes out of our hands ,, it's the only option we have and we can't help it ..

  8. When they eventually walk away, you'll have to decide: Did they just not love you enough, or are you really that cruel?

  9. just... stop.

  10. no wonder why i hurt so much....

  11. love all the comments .. saying sorry helps.

  12. it's not about what you said and it's not about the fact that she exists. it's about the people who stare at us and the ones that ask me questions. it's the fact that i have nothing to tell them, no way of knowing what the right words are. it's about the way you light up when you see me and how you float on my every word. it's the fact that i know what you feel because i feel it too but you choose to hurt me anyway.

    you can't tell me you don't find this to be cruel, because i won't believe you. say goodnight and go.

  13. I forgive you for every hurt you cause... but at the end of the day, do you even care?

  14. Good reminder for anyone. Thanks.

  15. Even though I've tried, I haven't always been the best friend. I've done things I regret. But I'd like to believe that every tomorrow is better than today. Everyday we all become a little better than the day before. You inspire me to live up to that expectation and I'm not the only one. Thank you for being more than a guiding compass.

  16. But... "Someone will one day love you without limitation but/and also love 'oneself' enough to walk away..."

  17. And what if I point a finger and say "you hurt me first"? Nevermind, we'll both always be sorry and we'll keep coming back right to where we started.

  18. Hurting is never a good way to test a person's feelings because you will destroy whatever that was there. But it is only normal to want to hurt back a person who did it to you, intentionally or not. So we hurt one another because we all care too much and we stop seeing that we're not the only one hurting. But we will never find out, unless we ask or we tell. Till then, we don't stop hurting those we care who care about us

  19. hah! yes. very juvenile of me. but he did start it, you know.

    i almost wish now that he was still around, for me to hate, to fight, to kiss. that he could still hurt me, that i could still love him.

    i thought he was the other human in a world full of aliens. turns out, we live in a world that is not our own.

  20. " is about giving and trust. GIVING you the power to totally destroy my heart and TRUST that you would never do that..."

  21. A lot of people sadly believe this.

    I heard of a saying that to love someone means giving that person the power to hurt us. But that doesn't mean that person should wield that power.

  22. I do it because I don't feel the same way about them.

  23. A guy tht hurts you dont love you

  24. The hardest part about loving someone is knowing they don't care about because they will never change for someone


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