Monday, February 4, 2008

The Intrusion

You are well within your rights to stand up, interrupt everyone around you and say "This is not who I am. This is not what I want. I'm sorry, but you've mistaken me for somebody else."


Anonymous said...

This is well after the fact, I realize, but thank you for this.

And for loving me.

I love you too, but then, I think you already knew that.

Anonymous said...

If it were that easy, this world would be an honest place. But thank you. Maybe I'll just say it someday soon.

Anonymous said...

I needed this before. But now, I don't know who I am or what I want anyway.

ONLY ME said...

That is exactly what I wanted to scream out in class today, wish i had!

Anonymous said...

I've done this at the 28th of january. I had high grades but It wasn't my place to be. Learned many things but I know I have to do what is the right thing to do.
Not what I and my desire for ''greatnes'' in the public eye wants to achieve. I need to make a difference, I can only do that low-profile and with working hard instead of following a prestige universty. Others will make a change there, I have to find a new place to help society with the safety and privacy issues instead of creating the technology for it.

Allonah said...

But isn't it too late? I got so caught up with the person he wants me to be, I have forgotten who I really am, and what I really want. Help.