Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The New Book Is Out In The Wild

The new book has leaked early on amazon and a few people have managed to pick up advanced copies at Barnes & Noble! Keep an eye out and please take a picture if you see one! Click the picture or here to see for yourself!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Pain Of Learning

Remember yesterday’s greatest lesson: What hurts you today, won’t hurt you tomorrow.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Constant Fire And Noise

I have taught myself to see the person a person is trying to be, not just the person they are. Above some, I have seen a nurse, a cowboy, a man made of shadows, a girl who cries beautifully, someone in complete control, someone who overcomes great things, and someone who's love is needed by the world. Like ghosts, the people who you're trying to be, they float above your head. But if I look up, all I see is a catherine wheel that never stops spinning, and it is something I have never been able to look at directly.