Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Impossible Flower

Love the unlovable. 

Climb the unclimbable.

Defeat the undefeatable. 

Break the unbreakable. 

Become the you they said you could never be. 

Every single day, wake up and find the thing that cannot be done, and do it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Dark At The End Of Everything

You are alone now and the curtains are drawn and the sun is shining outside and you will not see it for days.

You are alone now and trying to be stronger than you have any right to be.

You are alone now and waiting for the moment when even though you are alone, you do not feel it as much.

You are alone now and looking for a way through the grass and the reeds and the ghosts and the sound of the crickets and the sight of me leaving.

You are alone now and haunted by the past and what was and what could be.

You are alone now and wondering where the time went and who it went with.

You are alone now and your fingers are alone and your breath is alone and now you can get everything you wanted to do done and tick everything off the magic list you said you had, the one you said will eventually make you happy.

You are alone now and trying to define the exact moments you miss, the slow movement of someone else’s hand across your skin that you keep coming back to.

You are alone now and your hand touches empty air when you move it, to remember.

You are alone now and now you can do everything you couldn’t do with me, except be with me. 

Because I am alone now, too.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Light Through Rafters

You are worth fighting for, and if you must fight for yourself and what makes you, you - then fight.

Fight with everything you have.

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Holding Of One's Breath

There you are, washing dishes at the party, like you live there, trying to act like you belong somewhere you don’t.

There you are, taking your phone out, looking at an empty screen, just so you don’t have to look at anyone else.

There you are, holding your breath until your face turns blue for no other reason than to show you can. 

There you are, alone, and yet bigger than the sea.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Death Of The Difficult Thing

Do the difficult thing.

Not the easy thing.

The easy thing will let you live but the difficult thing will kill you, unless you kill it first.

Find where the difficult thing hides, in its difficult cave, in the difficult dark.

Then take your knife, and stab it, in its stupid, difficult heart.*

Now paint your face in difficult blood.

Walk out into the light after the long, difficult night, and show the world what horrible damage you have done.

Let them fear you.

You are the difficult killer.

*Get out of bed. Take care of yourself. Write one sentence. Write the sentence after that. Talk to someone. Go to the thing you said you'd go to. Avoid doing the thing you said you wouldn't. Open the curtains. Go to bed when you planned to. Forgive people who don't deserve to be forgiven and then forget them. Look in-between the cracks to find the reasons why you are. Eat. Eat alone in public spaces if you need to. Let go of what you need to let go of. Get on the train. Answer/avoid your emails. Do just one thing that moves you closer to being the person you want to be.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Smoke On The Horizon

Did you think I would hurt forever?

This is what survival looks like.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Finale Dates And Times

Click here for the exact dates and times.

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Way Home

Life is a kind of magic trick the body does and once it’s over, you’re left with a hat with a hole in it and a white dove that’s flown away. And it makes you want to say,

“That’s it? That’s all we are?"

But you need to remember: That's not us.

We're the dove, flying home.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The View From History Books

I think there's a way to listen to music late at night on your own that slowly turns you into dust.
I think there’s good in every one of us.
I think we need to forgive the people who hurt us.
I think we’ve all been punished enough.

Monday, March 5, 2018

The Distribution Of Pain

No one tells you that when you forgive the person who hurt you, you have to take a moment afterwards, to forgive yourself, for letting yourself get hurt again.

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Despair Left Behind

Give yourself the space to be sad.

Give yourself the chance to grieve.

Descend safely, and let go of all that you don't need.

Feel only what you need to feel.

This doesn't need to hurt more than it already does.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The River Of Souls

You sleep on a river, made of everyone you’ve ever been, who carried you to where you are.

Every movement up until this point by every one of your ancestors brought you here.

You are a flame alive for a moment.

A frame in something so much bigger that stretches from the first second to the last.

You are a walking miracle and every movement is as pure and incredible as the birth of a new star,  or the death of an old one. Like a god. You float through time from flower to flower, unaware that you are magical beyond everything, in everything you do.

Look at you. Only here. For now.

And in every life, we stand across from each other.
And I always tell you this.
And in every life, I must remind you.

Because you forget just how incredible you are.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The You The World Waits For

If you are not authentically you, the real, original you, you will attract people who are not authentically themselves.

You will attract and become attracted to things which aren’t real, which don’t matter.

You will become frustrated and angry at small, petty things in your life and you will not understand why.

You will feel like the universe is not respecting your space, like it’s bumping into you, constantly. Shoving you.

This is because it’s trying to get you to notice who you are.

This is because it’s trying to say, “Hey! I know you! You are so much more than this!”

And if you make that choice, to be who you really are, you will discover the real, original you, has been waiting for you.

You will discover that you have always been worth your own love and respect.

 You will discover you have always been worth, being you.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Time-lapse Of Your Soul

I know right now it seems like you'll never forget, because this hurts, but one day you will.

So I want you to tie some string around your finger, because I want you to remember something.

I want you to remember that none of this beat you.

I want you to remember that you were stronger than all of it.

And this didn't kill you.

You killed this.

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Poison Story

Here is a poisonous story you can tell a child:

"The ground you were born on makes you better than anyone else. The ground you were born is so special, it must be defended at all costs. We must celebrate it with songs, and multicoloured strips of cloth that we can tie to poles. The ground you're born is special because of you, and you are special because of it."

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Sadness Of Comedy

Anyone looking onto the stage where we lived out our lives would've called us a tragedy, because we had good intentions. But we don't suffer the consequences of our good intentions. We suffer the consequences of our actions.