Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Impossible Flower

Love the unlovable. 

Climb the unclimbable.

Defeat the undefeatable. 

Break the unbreakable. 

Become the you they said you could never be. 

Every single day, wake up and find the thing that cannot be done, and do it.


Yasmina said...

I can relate to this..very much
Yesterday i painted a turquoise sunflower that not body liked
So I decided to love it more a little bit
And probably that's how i have always handled life !

miniwaty halim said...

"Become the you they said you could never be".

And with those words, you just relight my spark, my energy.

Unknown said...

Hello Mr. Thomas,

I'll be honest, until a few days ago I had neevr heard of you. Until my gf showed me 'How to be happy: Not a self-help book, seriously" and told me I wouldn't like it.
I accepted her unspoken challenge and I have read it.

And I was inspired by it. Your apologies fell on deaf ears for me (but they made me laugh so hard. Especially when I read comments/reviews about the book online.)

I am an aspiring writer myself and struggling to write. Both physically write it and trying to make the story 'right'. I struggle just as everyone does sometimes, I suppose.
But your book really showed me that if I want to write my story I should. The genuine and clear way you express these thoughts really hit home, and I'm thinking not only to me.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Thijs

P.s. I have never known I had the desire to see a fiction book written in that distinct honest trying to stay optimistic but struggling with life voice.
(I mean that in a way as Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams give their distinct voices to their works, your voice would make a unique story in whatever story you would write. Because as 'How to be happy' shows, that is how you write well.
(Not that I claim to know you all that well now, nor do I know, yet, from other books how well you write on a regular basis and would you look at that this comment is getting rather large, I really should stop now.
Okay, it was nice meeting you. Bye)