Monday, April 7, 2008

The Red

When hurt turns red and a piece of your heart is missing. When the cold bites deep and you’ve got that feeling like you just got out of surgery. When the only way to stay sane is to concentrate on anything else but how you feel. When you count the tiles in the ceiling. When you push the earphones closer. When the first day of winter arrives. When you remember every nuance of every word of every time. When all this happens.

Embrace it. Feel every feeling. Cry every tear. Sob every sob. Because this is what it feels like to have loved.


icenine said...

This helps me get through the horrible days.

Anonymous said...

I needed this today.

Anonymous said...

thank you.

Anonymous said...

I've just snapped like a pretzel.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I need this today more than I ever thought.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you for the reminder. You are truly a blessing. And this is exactly where I am in my life. I've just recently learned to cry. And have learned so much from the tears. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Love is so mysterious... I wonder what other surprises love will present throughout my life.

Anonymous said...

thank you.

Anonymous said...

I needed this. Thank you. You have no idea how much this blog has helped me. Thank you so much for all you beautiful messages.