January has issues with her mother, February is always talking about things he wants to do while March does them, April eats sweets and May pays for them, June is the oldest but not the wisest and July always has an opinion on everything. August never stops trying do the right thing, even if he doesn't always know what that is. September once saw something so sad, she never stopped crying. October holds the lift for anyone, vice-presidents and street-sweepers alike (for his memory, not for theirs) and November makes fun of him for this. December is tired but always hopeful. He has never once stopped believing.
Monday's obviously a bastard, quite literally as dad can't remember what or who he was doing. Tuesday's temperamental but ok as long as you stay on her good side. Wednesday doesn't say much and Thursday sometimes hums just to break the silence. They're in love. Friday's always wasted and she and Saturday hold each other tightly until their delirium fades.
But Sunday, Sunday knows she's the end. But she closes her eyes, and she pretends with all the strength in her tiny heart that really, she's the dawn.
I love your description of Friday and Saturday. It's almost bittersweet, but then again, it depends on what kind of memory it stirs. Awesome. :)
That was beautifully written. :)
This is gorgeous in a way words can't quite manage to express
wow. Amazing!
i wish i had something clever to say that could fully express how absolutely breathtaking this is but i find it quite ineffable. i'll simply say i was in tears before i even finished.
thanks for the words, they're great
I think this is my new favourite.
I with I had the words to tell you how I feel.
But because I don't I will just say thank you.
You are immensely talented.
This one is my favorite.
so amazing.
I wrote about Sunday yesterday, the day of roses and wine, of lilac kisses and holding hands, of dinners outside and feet pulsing the green grass.
A Sunday Kind of Love (etta james)
Wow. wow. Amazing.
LOVE IT! But, I would swear January is a man.
Dear December
I have stop believing that you are the sun.
You are not welcomed. Please leave.
but in the end, you all mean something and the world wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you.
stunning...such sweet hope...
Beautiful. So so beautiful.
This is the most amazing thing I have ever read from you. You continue to wow me with your amazing writing. You should really make this blog into a book.
Wonderful and original. I liked the humming best - such a human thing to do when in love :)
Awesome-- this reminds of a love story that I was once told. The September is so true. You should read this dahling!
What if Sunday is the beginning instead of the ending?
wow this entry is something extra special
hats off to you! nice!
Thank you.
nyce! perfect description of sunday ;)
very neiltastic, i'm sure he'd approve. this ones got narrative, and more importantly, heart.
horoscope of time :)
this is quite simply,brilliant.
Iain,that's just wonderful and inspiring in a way I cannot define.
My favourite part is :
Wednesday doesn't say much and Thursday sometimes hums just to break the silence. They're in love.
I wonder why
this is perfect :) it's more than just words
That last part is especially lovely.
This is so beautiful
This has become my new favorite. Brilliant! :) Seriously big thank-yous for all that you are.
This feels like one of the best pieces yet to me, for some reason or another. It fees like I could believe every word.
Great work again, guys! Love it!
Oh my, this is amazing!
I can't comprehend how amazing this is.
The first day of the week is Sunday. Just so you know.
Maybe to you.
very creative thoughtful and so so real...beautiful really beautiful words :)
I love that last line: But Sunday, Sunday knows she's the end. But she closes her eyes, and she pretends with all the strength in her tiny heart that really, she's the dawn.
Ah did you write this? I read it on On Long Road and missed the attribution so I will give you my feedback too :-) Sharp and insightful writing. I loved it, your words are well paced and full of momentum. Fantastic.
I did write it, on Tuesday and haven't read it anywhere yet nor do I know what On Long Road is, so if you've heard someone else reading it without attributing anyone, I'd like to know about it.
Glad you enjoyed it, thank you for reading <3
This whole piece is wonderful, but as someone else has already said, the lines about Sunday are spectacularly beautiful.
i love this..amazing.
Postcript: the new Sun takes Sunday in his arms and rises, shining into dawn . . .
Lovely =)
incredible :) this is definitely intriguing .. i like it a lot
Nice :) My favourite so far.
I have never commented on anything, anywhere, so there
so true about september, its so me
At times months seem like days. Days sometime months. Sunday is the dawn she does not pretend. Time.
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