No one moved.
Someone was throwing a can away when it happened and the can just hung in the air. A man was getting into his car, turning the radio on. A shopping bag was stuck in midswing, carried by a frozen shopper. Birds in the sky just stayed where they were. And then, you turned to me and said
"Now we can be alone."
Damn, this is beautiful.
There's something peaceful and bittersweet in this.
Wow. Just, wow
My heart aches so pleasantly whenever I read your writing.
And you don't have to say anything. Because the silence that would then follow will be louder than any storm..
And we were ... until you decided to let her in ...
it's so amazing
it's so amazing
If only I knew how I would suspend time for us. <3
Superb !!!! I loved it.
beautiful, I love everything you write :)
Now we can say goodbye to each other peacefully.
I only wish
I thought we were, I guess it was just me all along.
I just wish it was real after all...
Exactly what I need to hear at this moment.
nicely evocative :)
is the time when we are fallin in love
just, just beautiful!
This is so beautiful, peaceful, and the imagery is perfect.
I feel as though the world around us stops -- everytime I am with you...
If only this would actually happen when we needed to be alone.
It seems as though nowadays, everybody seems to be crowding us at the wrong moment.
Beautiful post, as always :)
Really Beautiful :)
You know that feeling when your breath catches? I think my soul just did when I read this.
Shame on those who interrupted. The world remained real and raw and continued turning despite world wide manipulation. Theres no doll here except yours. Not fake like the others. Im waiting for the clock to start ticking again and now it could be just you and I.
for us i know i could make time freeze, i would but even then you would still look away guess you've got better things to do even if everything freezez
that last sentence absolutly made the post. didnt expect it.
your writing is like that though, full of depth and thought. they're tidbits of writing that provoke the mind to expand and touch on feelings the move us.
Even though I've nearly memorized this entry, I still come back to reread it. So haunting and arresting... it makes me ache.
reminds me of the song "who i am hates who ive been"
I do hate who I was. Because that wasn't me.
It's me and you.
Don't know if we have met
I know you.
troodsy 8224
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