Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Language Breaks

You've got such beautiful words but none I can eat, none which block the rain, none which bandage my wounds, none which build a home.

Nothing beautiful, which did not work, ever became anything more than pretty.


StarGirl said...

Phenominal. This finally made me understand why my words dont work.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you're writing again.Came across your blod after it ended.Please keep it going.

Unknown said...

aah <3

Anonymous said...

yes, please continue with posts!

Anonymous said...

Keep writing. You are an inspiration.

Carrie Van Horn said...

Makes me think of the saying "actions speak louder than words"....powerful writing here my friend! :-)

bigya said...

but those 'BEAUTIFUL WORDS' do work,they beautifully do ...

Niki said...

words only mean something when they transform into actions.xx

dreaming is believing

Alejandra said...

And those beautiful words, that language of yours, which didn't work for anything else but just being pretty, broke me. Because beautiful words gave me hope and love that I desperately searched for but didn't find in real life.

just an update said...

thankful that your back writing again, I guess your vacation was inspiring

ONLY ME said...

I just learnt something amazing. Thank you.

tharangni said...

words are like living things. and they are just pretty, they will hurt you.

Anonymous said...

Your blog has been bookmarked on my computer for years and years. And I still go to it. Imagine my expression when I saw new entries. Ever since I watched your TED presentation I've been even more in awe of you. Thanks for the beautiful words Iain.

~RainDrops said...

You're back :)

LSY said...

First time leaving a message here. Im so glad you are back.
Have been reading all your entries since a few years ago..
Some, I do not understand.
Some, I think I understand a little.
Some, resonates with me so well that I keep coming back for more even though you have said that you would stopped writing.

Just wanna tell you, Thank You for sharing your words with us.

With Love, from Singapore