Monday, February 17, 2014

The Ambassador Of Bad Things

When something really, really bad happens to you, people will say to you "I am sorry," even if they had nothing to do with what happened.

And it's because sometimes thing happen that are so bad that what they really mean is "I am acting as an ambassador and on behalf of everything that must hurt so much right now, I say sorry."

Because sometimes things are so bad, someone just has to say it.


Anonymous said...

I cried when I read this. It's amazing that you posted this today. Something really really bad happened to me and then someone told me they are sorry while they had nothing to do with it.

Your wiring is soothing. Thank you.

Kathryn Dyche said...

You tap into the core of truth.

Unknown said...

Saying "I'm sorry" is not an apology. It is simply an abbreviation, literally meaning, "I am sorrowful", which makes much more sense than to assume someone is apologising for something they haven't done :) But, really nice thought all the same :)

Call Me Xander said...

So true. "Im sorry".

Anonymous said...

Ambassador to what?

Anonymous said...

I don't want to beat a broken drum, but your writings mean so much to me. Though I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your father, I found someone who is feeling the same thing I am feeling, and he was able to write it down, making sense to those who have never felt his pain. My mother passed away a few weeks ago and I never felt more alone. My friends tried to make me feel better, tried to make it okay, but in a lot of ways it wasn't okay. I couldn't tell them how I felt, I just never could find the words, but one day I remembered the book I read full of real emotion and passion, your book. I went to your website hoping I could find some way to feel something, anything, again. Reading how you felt after your father's passing was like ripping the scab off my own emotions, feeling the raw pain again. I just wanted to tell you how important your writings are to those of us who just can't find the words to describe how we feel. Thank you, for everything, and I hope to keep reading your writings!

Anonymous said...

All we want is a little unconditional love.
Some seek it, some build walls.