Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Time You Nearly Died When You Were Still Older

As you fell, you begged the air for just a little more time, for a second chance to do all the things you'd always meant to do.

So here it is.

You'll remember nothing of what happened.

You'll feel exactly the same.

You'll find yourself back in front of the computer, reading the same post on the same blog that started it all so many years ago.

And only the words in this post have changed.

And this is a little more time.

And this is your second chance.

And it starts: Now.


mary said...

nothing more has ever made sense in my life. then this post right now. years later I come back to your blog to find comfort, clarity, companionship.

its now and thank you

Unknown said...

So the time to remembrance is just arrived.But to tell the truth i just don't want to remember anything coz i'm living peacefully.i can sacrifice my physical appearance.

Anonymous said...

You leave me speechless and hopeful, thank you. You are an inspiration.

Savannah said...

want a bet ?

openbookclosedpages said...

I read this in Edward Norton's voice.

PotENtiAL rOgER said...

I was meant to read your words.
You were meant to come back. Like the hero's last chance. Now I can die.

Merely Me said...

I was meant to read your words. You were meant to come back. Like the hero's last chance. Now I can die.

Merely Me said...

I was mean to read your words. You were meant to come back. Like the hero's last chance. Now I may happily die.

merely me said...

I was meant to read your words. You were meant to come back. Like the hero's last chance. Now I may happily die.