Monday, August 27, 2007

The Pause

Stop. Just stop it. Today is the day. The moment is this one. Ignore the noise and people around you. Ignore the phone. Ignore black coffee. Ignore the clock.

The time to start being the person you always wanted to be is right now.


Anonymous said...

I feel illuminated when I read your words.

Anonymous said...

thank you for giving me the courage to embrace these words

lauvelasquez said...

All the thing you right make me smile when i read it

Lightfoot Osolage said...

I can't articulate how profound the affect reading this had on me. Before I saw this I was pondering creating something that I was hesitant to because, though it is my dream, it would change my future in ways I can't even begin to imagine.

Your words are so correct; now is the time.

I am afraid and unsure if I can actually do it, but I'm going to try with everything I've got.

Thank you.