Monday, December 15, 2008

The Scars You Love

There are a million ways to bleed. But you are by far my favourite. 


Anonymous said...

Please stop when you can no longer remember why you started.

Me said...

Please stop reading it when you no longer enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because love has to hurt sometimes... I need to get over you, I have to.

Anonymous said...

no, no, no. i didn't mean that. i really like what you write. i think you're amazing.

Anonymous said...

love this.

Anonymous said...

love this.

Me said...

Forgive my confusion and thank you :)

Anonymous said...

it's as if you can read my mind. you put words to the feelings inside me when i can't. thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

The bruise on my shin was worth it. I almost wish it hadn't gone away.

Anonymous said...

More than just my favourite way to bleed, you are the wounds I wish will never heal.

Anonymous said...

I'm not ashamed of the scars on my ribs or hipbones.

Anonymous said...

i often wish you left a mark...:(

Anonymous said...

It feels as though you have skinned me alive, and I'm enjoying the agony.

Anonymous said...

I wish you didn't have to bleed.

Anonymous said...

You will no longer have to bleed if only you stayed. Cause I will never leave you.

Anonymous said...

how fitting...

Anonymous said...

Within the darkness ● scars do not exist..