Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Wind Stops Screaming

No storm is so bad that you can't learn something from it. You can grow in a storm. You can thrive. Rain cleans the air.


Anonymous said...

I sense a whole new level of amazing if we're going to get colour photos from now on. . .

sunburns said...

Thank you so much. I cried for an hour straight last night over exams and I think I almost failed Chemistry, but oh well. It's okay. Things will get better.

Jon said...

Anon: it's unlikely that there will be much colour stuff... i find it really hard to shoot, and miss being able to develop it myself.

When it's good it's really good. When it's bad i go to pieces! :)

E. said...

I could say I live in a storm but no,no I would be too ungratful.

life's good most of the days.
I think I'm happy.
For no specific reason :)

Anonymous said...

Well, E., that's the best reason to be happy. For no reason at all. For then it's less likely to go away.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for this. i needed this tonight.

N. said...

Once again, you manage to brighten up my day, Iain.

Anonymous said...

I see the rain as a ritual of cleansing, as something that allows us to begin again anew.

Anonymous said...

Rad ass photo, Jon (:

Anonymous said...

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I needed to hear this, so fucking much.

Anonymous said...

Rain cleans the air.
How true true true.
Beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...

Rain cleans the air. I love you.

Anonymous said...

I want the wind to stop screaming.
I'm just afraid it somehow won't, and I'll be lost somewhere between the raging storm and the rain that I need.
Help me make it stop.

Anonymous said...

I can't make it stop but I can tell you this sometimes the rainfall is just inside your head. And it's screaming at you to listen to the tears you cry and to remember the sound, it's begging you not to forget. To hold on and to let go.
If you were trapped inside you and you had no voice, how would you caution yourself from the dangers that break your heart?
Its all there its all inside just listen part the scream, listen for the love, you'll never take yourself for granted ever again.

Anonymous said...

I can't make it stop but I can tell you this sometimes the rainfall is just inside your head. And it's screaming at you to listen to the tears you cry and to remember the sound, it's begging you not to forget. To hold on and to let go.
If you were trapped inside you and you had no voice, how would you caution yourself from the dangers that break your heart?
Its all there its all inside just listen part the scream, listen for the love, you'll never take yourself for granted ever again.

LoveAndLevees said...

This is your most powerful quote, in my opinion. As a victim of Hurricane Katrina, this has a literal surreality for me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You know those days when you force yourself to get up in the morning. Those times when you have to force yourself to get through this hour. And the next. Where you wear your smile like make-up. You force yourself to laugh. You tell yourself to snap out if it because if you don't everything will fall to pieces. I know these days. I know these hours. But I keep reminding myself that everything in our lives is here as a vehicle for our transformation. Use it! Turn every situation around. Decipher the message. Make use of the hard times. There is always a turning point. There is always a way through. There is always a way. We are so much stronger than we think. We hold every key. All my love and prayers to you xxx