I hold you like I do, tightly because I know that one day, I'll die.
And I am determined to do it with a smile on my face.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
I think I told you this awhile back, Jon---but I absolutely love this photo.
Amazing as always.
No witty comments from me this time. Just a smile and a nod.
A smile was the best gift you ever gave me.
I love this.
now, this is why i love your words.
you will, baby!
you are right.
Pause at that smile. Its the best thing ever. =)
But if we were I would hope that when we come back we remember one another and so the cycle shall start once again... because we are recyclable and our cycles are intersynced because of my love for you! xXx
It's true. And as long as you help remind me of these moments, I will.
This gives me confidence. And I'm not so scared of death anymore, thanks.
It's true. And as long as you help remind me of these moments, I will.
Hold me back tight like I do.
I might get tired one day.
Please,hold me tight.
The day I let go is the day you hold me back.
If humans were recyclable, then we'd have to take down all the "green" slogans and restructure them. We'd have to make a whole new line of t-shirts.
But seriously, cool post.
Keep writing.
And I love this photograph.
I love the post... The best =)
So beautiful and true.
I can't remember I read this one before. It's so simple yet so beautiful I couldn't help smiling.
This was the first post i shared with an ex of mine. As much as we hate each other now, as much as we have hurt each other and the absolute hell we created, it makes me smile. there are good memories here even if there are no other good memories from that relationship. Thank you for writing this. Thank you for taking this photgraph Jon. Thank you so much.
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