Friday, January 15, 2010

The Moths Arrive In Black And White

The bad news is, people are crueler, meaner and more evil than you've ever imagined.

The good news is, people are kinder, gentler and more loving than you've ever dreamed.


Rudie I. said...

Beautiful as always. What a good way to end my night. I love you.

Helen said...

Oh, God, this means so much, in today's world. (:

Anonymous said...

I´ve found one of the meanest person in the world, she's hurting me a lot, sometimes i don´t know how to get out of her.
Thank god i had lovely person in my life that help going through.
You´re awesome

Anonymous said...

I've been talking about this with strangers for the past two days, yesterday I got on the bus and someone had just spat on the bus driver minutes before. I talked to the driver for my entire trip and he was an extremely kind forgiving man. The world is full of great and terrible things. Disrespect is becoming very prominent I find and it can be disheartening.

Nouri_E said...

That's why I always love being a pessimist. ^_~

misplacedfriend said...

<3 lief.

Camille said...


슈퍼 레이치 said...

that photograph is so beautiful. <33

Maha said...

So true!

P.T said...

I always get excited before reading your posts. And you never disappoint.

Hales said...

This is so true. We have such a wide range of feelings that the ends extend farther than we'd like to control.

rn said...

i like to believe there are good people out there.

GeorgeDubya said...

I've been reminded of this exact thing watching the news from Haiti. The tremendous outpouring of generosity and love has warmed my heart, but the wackos badmouthing the victims or putting the blame for the catastrophe on people's shoulders has chilled me to the core.

Anonymous said...

and it varies with perspective

Anonymous said...

This is only all too true. It's amazing how you take the most basic life truths and make them pop to grab our notice. Sometimes I keep the things you say with me like a mantra, but your images can be haunting in their raw honesty. It's really something to behold.
Thank you.

Isabel Knowles said...

love this.
your blog constantly makes my day better.
I could only hope to be able to write words that move people as yours have moved me.
PLEASE read my blog!?

writing my thoughts down has saved me from hurting myself in so many ways.

orzele said...

The images is almost my life now "Two faces of life"... You didn't know who is ture and not... She/He said, says it's wonderful... but it's not. NEVER! The only way to make it wonderful is to trust yourself, your heart, your mind, instinct, a friend you know she/he loves you no matter what, and faith in God... =)

Holiday said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is a world worth saving, there is always hope and goodness in this world, always, always, always.

Marika said...

I can agree only with the first statement
It's like prices: they NEVER get lower

Julie-Anne M. said...

It seems that all humans are born with the two things, the potential for unlimited evil, and that for unlimited kindness. It's everything after birth that decides which path they end up on, and how far down it they go.

Anonymous said...

Nice fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

aklili zack said...


Ally said...

i LOVE the title especially.

olaoluwatomi said...

Beautiful! I love ur blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I've been needing something like this.

Anonymous said...

i love this. i love it so much.