I would never hurt you. Not even to kiss it better.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
We all think this and say this but in the end,it's all a lie. We always always end up hurting the ones we love.
Had every intension to hurt. Storytelling a new tale. Kisses for this. Will never be needed.
no you did not mean to hurt me. when we talked about what would happen, thinking that it never would, i said that i could be friends with you again. but we must face the reality of such things. you did hurt me.
Times like this you need to lose your inhibitions. And just do what feels right. You feel right to me. I never meant to hurt you. I never want to.
i almost cried when i read this
Will you at least brush up against that fine fine line that lies between our pleasures and their pains?
To the world,
you are one person.
To the person you love
you are the world.
credit: proverb
To Do List:
Sleep as described with the only one I love.
i agree with Anonymous @ 3:39... well spoken :-)
I would be happy to carry all your pain<3
ok! then do it! do it!!! all for you :D
ooooh that is very nice from you ^_^ , now I have to go ...
What's wrong?
No matter all of those words you said,
you always managed to hurt me.
I know you never meant to,
and neither did I.
But somehow we always did.
And no amount of kisses could ever make it go away.
I did what I felt was right. We both did.
But you'll be leaving. And sure, so will I.
But it will still hurt.
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I promise you will enjoy it ;)
i dont want to come out why are you doing this to me
No different than what you do.
the difference being that with you its conscious and intentional. i dont mess with your head, you should've just told me the truth, i would've understood. instead you judged a book by its cover. and you wonder why i've done the same to you?
this is so dumb. we're both retarded. i wish you would've told me the truth.
Who's the reeree?
The truth about what? I have no idea what you are talking about? I have nothing to lie about. Ask me anything!
joking, Idk. What do you mean told you the truth? Are you talking to me?
Let me know if you want to talk. I will tell you whatever you want to know. But I dont know what it is you think I am lying about.
This is making absolutely no sense to me. I'm sorry.
i am not a princess why must you insist on making me feel like one
Princess? I think you are trippin out. How do I do that? Are you sure you are not assuming things you dont understand? You should really talk to me so I can understand.
as if i'm the one being cryptic.
I wish you could just be open and honest with me. If you are mad at me about something, please tell me. WTF?
i'm mad at you for giving me a reason to come out because i don't want to. i'm mad at you for loving me.
I dont love anyone, except my kids. Really, I am not a loving person. Remember, my heart is steel - 316 stainless.
Why do you think I love you?
Can you email me? That way you dont have to "come out" here.
I haven't typed 4 a day now.
And yet 'I' still do.
When everything is heard -
I'll just let you PA 4 me
(Be my voice - No need 2 type).
P.P.S Talking is not possible - with the absences of Trust...
And I am sorry 4 that!
ok. Now you are acting like a princess!
And if you think I love you, you are out of your mind. You ego has gone way out of control. But I guess that is what happens when you get soft. Something I want no part of!
That's why I replaced you with someone better. You lost your passion. Or it was just tossed out by your massive ego. Love means nothing to me.
Hope that don't hurt your feelings princess!
isn't it funny that in an attempt to make it better, we end up hurting the other person... its a sad reality
your kisses were meant to heal, but the ended up hurting me.
I know you wouldn't. That isn't enough.
Be fake to yourself!
You CANNOT Love & NOT cause hurt.
Or (not) be hurt...
You CANNOT Love & NOT cause hurt.
Or (not)be hurt...
I'm not a liar
when you mix dreams and reality, you must be as pure as possible so you can recognize what it is truth and what it is not, what is good for you and what it is not. If something makes you feel confused, forget it :) You can't believe everything you read, more when is coming as "anonymous" , your heart knows the truth, so open it, otherwise..... mind is very tricky. It's hard it's hard. Good day and enjoy your saturday everyone!
I even have an "anonymous" version of myself, isn't that amazing? lol
I know it's tricky. I usually have an open mind. I'm not confused. I know what I want.
what do you want? :)
I want so much, but could care less about materialistic shit. I've already lost everything. I want you, I want to be by your side forever. I want to be able to spend my time helping people and doing good things for the world. Oh, and the occasional massage wouldn't hurt either. I will keep you busy. ;) The rest of what I want is just a future so we can be together and do things to make us both happy. I want you to be so happy!
does that makes you happy too?
Yes, it does! Very much so! :)
ok :)
No doubts, no worries. I love you! :)
I couldn't image hurting you. Ever. I just want to be with you. And now that I have you, I never want to go another day without you in my life.
That's so true. We always hurt.
You don't even want my kiss anymore. When I kiss your fingers, you pull away. And that's all I ever want to do. Kiss your pain away. But I can't. =(
I want you to realize this.
I am not her. I will not do the things she did to you. Please come back to me.
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