Friday, April 13, 2012

The Burning Wings And False Light

If you are a bee in a dark room, the faintest lightbulb looks like the same sun that guides you home. But please, don't fly to it, you should save your energy and wait until real dawn. Please, sleep.

I know you'll ignore this and kill yourself, trying to fly through the hot glass of that bulb, to that fake sun. I just thought I should say something.


Deane O'Connor said...

You wrote this for me.

Anonymous said...

It's just so hard to tell the difference. (Especially when you've lost hope you'll ever make it home.)

To a bee like me, dying under one light is the same as the next. I think I'd rather burn my way out than fade into this darkness.

But thank you for saying something.

Iris said...

You saved many lives with this one.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this one. I really needed to hear this from somebody.

Anonymous said...

love and lust

Brittany said...

What a beautiful metaphor.

Those are the lights that need to be shut off..

FeverDream said...

i know... i know it's not love. it isn't. it's not even something like love.. but it gets so cold and lonely in the dark. believe me, i'm not really looking for the sun yet just a faint star that could keep me company. i hear you and i'm trying my best to listen, really i am.

Cat said...

as always, this post was perfectly timed. it's hard for me not to settle for something that's less than perfect when I'm afraid that that something perfect will never come.

Mee Shell said...

The wonderful thing about the dawn is that it always comes. For all those waiting, have faith; it will arrive.

engy said...


AVY said...

How very pretty.


Unknown said...

great metaphore and great description for the dilemma we all live in ..

Unknown said...

great metaphore and great description for the dilemma we all live in ..

ladydi said...

Really enjoyed reading this :)

Anonymous said...

You are my sun. I'll let you in...if you want me.

Anonymous said...

you wrote this 1 month after my brother passed away. he has been trying to tell me something, but i couldn't hear through all the noise. thank you for spelling it out for me.

MKMoondust said...

I know that it's false, but I can't help myself. Besides its not like you ever cared anyway...