Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I'm taking a breather after finishing off my new novel, Intentional Dissonance. More news soon.

I miss you,



Anonymous said...

I realize that writing takes a big deal of effort, but if it weren't for the loyal following of your online readers, the books wouldn't be such a success. Please don't neglect us too long ... seems like this year has seen our priority fall to the wayside.

We miss you too!

Anonymous said...

I agree with above. I understand that the novel is important but you have been posting once a week. And take weeks off, frequently. When you used to update 5 days a week.We miss you!!!

Me said...

I'm sorry you feel that way. It's not easy writing a novel, having a full-time job and managing a, luckily, succesful blog that I aspire to update as often as possible. My only advice is to follow me on twitter at @IWroteThisForU where I write quite often.

Anonymous said...

Take a well deserved breather and enjoy. We'll be waiting!

Allofthetruth said...

Enjoy your time off, you deserve it.
Thank you. For everything.

Unknown said...

Don't make him feel guilty. He cares about you as much as he says he does and do you have any idea how that will make him feel? It'll be more than worth it when the book comes out, and he has such a large following because he's incredible not because of the frequency of his posts. If you need something to read, click find a random entry.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing your book! A break is well deserved. You put so much love and effort into this blog and I'm grateful for that. I completely understand the need to step back for a moment and refuel. Thank you for what you're doing, take care, I'll be here when you get back!

Anonymous said...

take as long as you need, but you will be missed. its lonely here on your blog without you..