Friday, October 26, 2012

The Winter Child

In bright white snow, when everything sleeps.

And hope has left you lonely.

When all you ever remember about summer is how it ended.

I send hope back to you, wherever you are.

I hope you remember all the people you still have time to be.

I hope the little things in your life inspire you to do big things with it.

I hope you remember that summer comes every year and that the sun, is still sweet.

I hope you learn to hope again.

I, still, hope.


Arundhati said...

Amazing, amazing it is.

Anonymous said...


I miss you. Don't stop believing.


dinantonia said...

thanks for writing this. i really need this now

Anonymous said...

I don't know how else to say it but there's someone else. Keep your epiphanies for someone who loves you as much as I did.

Debie Grace said...

I will never stop hoping for the best. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

It has only just come to my attention that it should have been you all along

Anonymous said...

Weird timing, Anonymous. 5 past too late? Or not?

Anonymous said...

Can't catch me now. ;)

Anonymous said...

Arnold K.,

i know you're reading this.
i miss you. don't give up on life.
i hope you'd give me a call at times, because if you haven't noticed, i miss you more than anyone here in this country you left.

Sanchez said...

I love this.

Anonymous said...

Falling down.

The Hollow Man said...

And with this, I am a forever fan.

Bradley Bates said...

Its been over a year since I last visited your blog, and it has been over a year since i've forgotten how beautifully you write.