Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Strange Things That Break Your Heart

A wall broke my heart. A wet field of grass broke my heart. A child hugging his parents legs in an airport broke my heart. Water in a bath has broken my heart. A tattoo has broken my heart. A photograph on the internet broke my heart. A watch broke my heart. Holding my breath underwater broke my heart.

You have your unique fractures along your heart, and I have mine. And maybe there is nothing, anywhere, that doesn't break someone's heart.


Kathryn Dyche said...

Yes . . . my heart breaks at a multitude of things.

Lalah said...

our heart breaks for a lot of reasons everyday! :)

Christina said...

I hope you publish your newest book soon Ian. Intentional dissonance soothed my soul through some of the hardest times of my life. These past few days I've had to watch my beautiful grandma with whom I love more than anyone in the world, die of cancer. All her very best pieces were stripped away in the process. I'm hoping your new book will remind my heart to keep beating.

Thank you.

Vikky Mavs said...

this is so far the most beautiful post i've read from you. I mean, i read it over an over again and still, it breaks my heart.

Dreamz of travelling d world before dying ! said...

And this post breaks my heart ❤❤❤

Cereallee said...

This is just so beautiful and heart wrenching at the same time. Both of this just broke my heart.