Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Chance To Disappoint You

I love you.

So let me disappoint you.

Because I know that if you love someone, you are opening yourself up to being disappointed by them.

Because how can you love someone as a human, without everything that comes with that.

So disappoint me.

Disappoint me constantly, with all that you are and all that you could be and with everything that makes you, you.

I promise to disappoint you, with my whole heart.


Anonymous said...

Kind of a downer! But I think it is really good!

Anonymous said...

So Profound...Just my thought for today!!

roxdab said...

This is just what I needed

ffincher said...

but there's only so much disappointment that one can take isn't it?

ViralTikTok said...

This is almost a threat and I love it!

Your Feelings about the Coronavirus-19 said...

I prayed that one day your life would have given you a life from lost love.

Your Feelings about the Coronavirus-19 said...

Lost love

rong said...

Because some thrive on the disappointments and the place it brings them. It is a familiar air that breathes through their skin, in that they find peace.

Anonymous said...

This is for those lost lovers who tried to turn us into someone we weren't

Anonymous said...

I lost you because you kept disappointing me, and I didn't know what to do about it. I don't know if I ever even loved you. I think I tried. I tried but I couldn't. I hope someone is being amazing to you right now.

Anonymous said...

I totally get it. it made me cry. i am so blessed to have my husband, my daughter and my son. they are who I disappoint every day and they love me like I never imagined. They are why I still exist!

anosmen said...

The point, really, is to see each other as who we are, not as the image we make in public of how we wanted to be seen, right? This is so beautiful. It's like, "don't bear the pain alone. If the pain and disappointment and how far can i bear with them is the only way to distinguish me of other people, then i dont mind"

Unknown said...

Beautiful and well said. Couldn't agree more with this sometimes.

Ying said...

Anosmen, what you say is really true. it's so true.

Anonymous said...

I wish you were okay with being disappointed in me. If only you understood this, we wouldn't be having our problems. If only.

timthe said...

you always say you only disappoint me, you don't. I promise. I love you; stop seeing your failures as the ending. please.