If you're not, you will.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Dear friend, I do have a question for you, or it, whichever has an answer first: Love can be found when you don't search for it, but what about a love found that already found a love? I find it preposterous of me to find this and ask you to perhaps help me on that little part, but I can't help but ask.
Seriously, I find myself at the very edge of a very complicated dilemma. She is the kind of woman I'd tag along with for a lifetime. But just now, she is so very out of reach, as she is bound to someone else.
I feel very weird, asking this here. As a child to the parent, as a pupil to his mentor, as a stranger to someone with apparent knowledge, I ask of you, who wanted me to find this, you, who helped me this much already, hear my plea and enlighten me with your wisdom...
This isn't really a desperate call for wisdom, but as This was, my message longs to be found.
Should you ever find this... you'd probably know what to do...
Thank you for reading...
I can only give you advice which comes from my own experiences.
Loving someone doesn't require them to love you back. If you love someone, enjoy the love you feel for them, not on the condition that you will get it in return.
If she loves someone else and that someone else makes her happy, then, because you love her and you want her to be happy, let her be with them.
It may feel painful but it is better to feel this than to not feel it.
In time, things will change. For the better or for the worse, no one can say, but they will change. Maybe by then you will have found someone else or maybe both of you will be perfect for each other. No one knows, nothing is written down in life.
But be glad that you have found love even if it is not returned. Love is its own reward.
You're right. I was thinking along thoses lines, and your wisdom is well appreciated. I'll just continue being myself and see where the universe takes me. Thank you, a thousand times.
Love sneaks up on all of us.
It the game of love, as in hide and seek, its not the finding , but the being found that's so darned exciting.
Ready or not
sometimes you just love.
i was meant to find this...
How do you stop yourself from looking if you've been alone for so long?
How can you NOT try to find love ? I don't understand... and everyone keeps telling me the contrary.
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