Friday, November 13, 2009

The Orderly Queue

Don't be shy. You can take another piece of me. Everyone else already has.

Until there's nothing left. Until I disappear


Nouri_E said...

Just yesterday I split my soul into equal parts, to be given to the co-conspirators of the Universe. As a sign of gratitude.

(I tilt my head a little and the photo turn into... a paperclip-shaped centipede?)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, no, no, I don't want you to disappear. Let me give you something in return ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Chop Logik said...

You don't disappear, though. You simply disseminate; spread over the world, inundate the souls of the multitude with your being.

Luna said...

get reincarnated soon.

verena said...
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verena said...

But dear you're more then a cake! Thank you for your generousity

Nitin said...

invitation to self destruction ?

Anonymous said...

Listen to the song "Japanese Gum" by Her Space Holiday. or just read the lyrics. It was the first thing I thought of.

You're wonderful, by the way.

Anonymous said...

The cohesive you might disappear but the pieces of you will be everywhere. That's influence.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. The more people take pieces of you, the more you grow.

A Vibrant Journey said...

I love you. I love your blog. <3

What The "L" said...

I hope when pieces are taken, other pieces are added. For every person, experience and breath bestowed upon you, may you grow and be renewed. I've read your words for quite sometime and have always been provoked to think...Thank you

Ciara said...

This made me think. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

your heart isn't finite.
it grow back sometimes.

Abaddon said...

the world seems to take a little bit of all of us if we live long enough

Anonymous said...

Those who serve a cause are not those who love that cause. They are those who love the life which has to be led in order to serve it... except in the case of the very purest, and they are rare. -Simone Weil

Learning to access our true self and our oneness with all things allows us to love.

You are loved.

Anonymous said...

Giving myself away and being stingy are not my only options. I can share myself. Yet to share myself I have to have a self to share.

Carrie said...

You can't disappear. You gave me part of you too, and I promise you that I'll take care of it until you need it back again.

dirt clustit said...

Hope that your communicating what you want to transpire, or if it's sarcasm that people you want to be in the know are aware of it.

So many times my spirits have been uplifted by reading your posts

misplacedfriend said...

You may not be visible...but we feel your presence.

<3 Great photo, Jon.
Beautiful writing as always, Iain my friend.

U r both filled w/fantastic.

E :-)

-LyS- said...

even a little piece of you mean everything to me..

Anonymous said...

keep making people think.. your great!

Anonymous said...

when you love generously, you give n give w/o expecting anything in return. but sometimes we're only human, we need to be greedy n selfish n take bck.

Anonymous said...

Don't disappear!

the geek said...

i hold a part of you inside me...

Nitin said...

This hit home. Badly.