I know you're just a rag doll now, sewn together with memories that we might have had.
I know you're just the dream inside of a dream
And don't worry, I know I don't know you, anymore.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
It's amazing how well you can encompass all the feelings I have right now.
Maybe the only place you can know a dream is in a dream, But I know you can make them come true if you want to.
You're wrong all the way.
I do know you.You never fooled me even if you were trying to be somebody else, someone worse than you,someone who would try to keep me away.I told you to just be yourself.
And you changed indeed.
Only it hurts like hell that you changed for someone else.
the you, that you wrote this for, is it your readers or is it someone that you specifically want to read what has been written?
No.... I dont want to not know you anymore. I will try hard, very very hard to hold on. Please dont go. I need you very much.
So many people having the feeling that the words had one single inspiration...So many people you kept away..So many people you pretend to don't know anymore..Where's the the real "one"? In shadowing dreams, maybe..
But you'll probably know that I'm lying. Sigh.
When you fall in love, you always must treat the other person as the one, no matter what. If you stop doing that, just move on. It is more satisfactory to love someone than being loved, that is why.
My opinion. Isn't this the world of illusions? Well, I choose my illusions.
i totally agree!
The latest posts seem very very sad :(
The latest posts seem very very sad :(
This applies too much for me to handle.
I swear I don't know you and never have. Piece it together through a digital lense, but it's not a hard copy that can be thoroughly examined. We were never even friends, hardly acquaintances. What can be said? What can be done? Nothing more than a psychotic memory drawn up by a lack of reality, mostly on my part. I lost base, lost touch. Whose game is this? A subconscious pull, to destroy whatever "friendship" it was we shared. I ride the wave of destruction, obliterating my senses in the process. My life story, for all to see in an attempt to justify my own inflated ego and self-righteousness.
No, I don't know you. I don't need you. I don't want you.
I care only for my own well-being. My wants, my desires.
I'll never hear from you again, just like I never heard from you before. I'll never see you again, just like I never saw you before.
Let's just be friends, but to what end? I promise you nothing, I promise.
this is incredibly apt for me today...
Reading this was beyond beautiful.
and i quote what SHE said...
"No.... I dont want to not know you anymore. I will try hard, very very hard to hold on. Please dont go. I need you very much."
im giving you breathing space because i want us to get thru this together. i dont want to think that everything's falling apart... i will try harder, let's try harder...please
whiskas all around, what a mess ..
I don't know you anymore. But I wish I did. I still miss the you I used to know.
Eloi, eloi, I love you, I love you. You are making me scream with madness and fear and joy. I keep doubting you and you keep blasting it out of my hands. You win, you win, you win forever. Show me what you want and it's yours.
Now that you helped me become my own light, I'm invincible. I trust you. I realize you aren't going to do everything. I'm scared and I need you. Hold me, but not too tight. I might burst; I'm still to delicate.
I could use some more leaves for this chrysalis, but I get the sense that I'm going to have to work for them.
You know you're only half-finished. He needs your light, too. Please show him. I can't do it all by myself, and I need him so desperately. Show me yourself in him. I'll fall down if you don't. I can't do it by myself. I need both of you with me.
Call me. Please.
To know you is to love you. And I know you better than you might think. There is no reason to deny it, for that is the simple truth of the matter. I promise.
You told me I changed, when all I did was face reality. I was under the assumption I had you by my side through it all, when really, you were gone long before.
I don't know where you've gone or when it is that you'll coming back. All I know is that I miss my best friend. He was the one who kept me sane. You, on the other hand, are what is keeping me from even functioning.
(Please come back soon.)
this made me sad... but it also uplifted me because I am feeling exactly like this right now. Thank you
You are my soulmate, we are together as one. There is only one me, but two you. I didnt get that last time I saw you. That "you" was him. I am confused about your schedule,which is which, what time and date, what occasions. Because he and I want and need and trust each other. Tell me his schedule, and I will know your schedule. The point is I feel safe to be myself with him... In the end, I will see the two of you as one, but not now...
Yes, you know me better than anybody else. You see a real me in me, while others see a fake me in me. You are helping me rediscover a real me and its the most precious thing I can ever ask for. I love your company and feel like myself again after so many years. I was once myself when I was 5 :) My mom told me that. She said I changed after I went to middle school. I am as fragile as you are, please be advised your ways of helping me..gentle gentle please..
this is so sad because it's true. you don't know me anymore, at least not all of me.
Was this inspired by Inception?
Leibe Meister, I will always always leave the garden gate open for you if you will leave it open for me.
These high wasteland mountains leave me so parched. I long for your oceans. I think N does, too, even though he doesn't know it yet. I don't know how to tell him. Help?
You say fate is inevitable, and I want so badly to be true. I will perish of despair if I have to part from you. I will throw my heart into the sea until ages upon ages and ages of despair pass over and erode it. But I cannot permit myself dishonesty even to spare myself. I hope I don't trip and pratfall on my own sword right before the final battle.
I'm thirsty, I need more, more. So far I love it love it. Keep it coming. I want it forever. I'm listening as hard as I've ever listened.
Wordplay? Are you making fun of me? Your sense of humor is beautiful. I can do math too, though, and, better, what's behind it.
Breathe in
Oh, but why? Why is my heart bleeding on this floor, crying out in dreams for the real thing? Why is it here that my name, my love, seems spread so thinly, so openly when I never said a word?
Who is calling me out? Whose inner workings echo my own? Whose pain and desires and needs do I carry like the angels carry mine?
Whose game? Whose life, my heart, will be shredded in the light of truth?
You cannot believe that I know you; it is your heart I know, I believe what your eyes tell me. Be careful whose voice you mistake for mine.
I never said you love me. It's ok.
ps. I change for no one but myself.
Loving all your work... takes lots of inspiration to do all that with alot of meaning...
Your good follower!!
Open fields of gray, which way? I'll take what's mine and stay away. I owe you nothing, you owe me nothing. That counts for something. I'll level my head and speak not another word. Preemptive strike, I jumped the gun. You're already taken, I must be mistaken.
No apologies on your part do I need, I should have known and taken heed. I'm just a stupid boy who saw some stupid signs, read completely backwards. Nothing better to do than to fuck up my own life, emotionally charged by the ignorant ramblings of others. In turn to only play the part I despise.
Sorry for the harassment, it was more for my amusement than anything else. Do you really know? Do I really know? Who knows?
I still liked you better before you were naked on the internet.
P.S. They upped my medication again, but it hardly has an effect. I knew what reality was the whole time, we all choose to ignore the obvious sometimes.
Brown bear,
Just tell me that you will give me a hug when you see me again, would you? <3
Pink piggy
Yeah, I don't know you anymore; and I question whether I ever did. A rag doll, a child's memory, distorted over time. Were you ever there? (Or was I just dreaming..)
I am broken, writhing in despair. Writing you things I hope you find and then love me againWhen I met you I knew it wouldn't last , I didn't want to stand here writing a hundred million different messages to you, things you will never read. Things you will never see.
My heart has been broken before and I know how it goes and I don't want to be here again. Need drives me back as you drive me away.
Twice I ran to you when I thought I had a chance. But both times I was rejected; left standing on my own, alone. We are a great story. The greatest stories of all are usually tragedies. If it's any consolation at all - I love you. And I always will. You know just where to find me if you need anything. Anything at all.
You burned away the parts of me that I gave to you.
And with your flame, I turned to dust.
Get over yourselves you emo smacktards.
this is so sad...my heart breaks
This actually breaks my heart. Thankyou.
This both breaks and mends my heart. Thank you.
This one hurts.
I don't know him anymore. Neither staying nor going seem like good ideas.
(Thank you for making a place where I can say this.)
(It's what I'm here for Cas, we owe each other mails) <3
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