This is my skin. It keeps out the rain and words I'd rather not hear like "I'm tired" or "I'm fine" or "We need to talk."
This is my skin and it's thick. This is not your skin. Yet you are still under it.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Well you've got a pretty nice skin, I'm telling you.
I know I might be a bit annoying for bringing this up again, but I just wish I could flatter specific posts, because even though all of them are more than beautiful, I like some more than others and also it'd mean more flattrs for you than just the big general flattr. Something like on this blog: http://blog.brokep.com/ (I know it's not a blogger blog but it should be possible to do here too) Maybe you don't want to do that though, but I just wanted to ask one last time! Sorry for bothering you with this, it's just that I want to give something back (even though it's just a very little something) to you for what your words give me. ♥
Sometimes it feels there are so many people under this skin of mine that I worry it will burst.
No, Sweetie. You have it wrong this time. I couldn't be under your skin. You've never allowed me to touch it in reality. And now you seem to want to shed it all off anyway. Am I holding on to an illusion? I will always believe in our potential. I do exist. I do exist. I'm fine. I should leave well-enough alone. But something from some deep well inside of me insists on the perusal of love. Is there any way to make it less tricky?
Though being my skin ,this skin was connected to yours ,no matter how one shall try to move forward ,there will always be a movement underneath the skin .
Words I'm tired -I'm fine -We need talk ,No words should be needed though .
only breathing ,allowing the other know ,that stays under the skin ,just with each breath taking in and releasing out .
This might be my favorite post yet! <3
You get under my skin in a way nobody else can. I just wish you knew.
You truly do have a way with words. I am glad you share your gift and inspire others with it. Almost all of these posts have moved me in one way or another. I find comfort in them, and if I'm in a mood that seems stifling and my thoughts are too much, I turn to yours, on here and they ease my troubled, jumbled chaos.
You should get out before you destroy me from within.
Yes its the skin hats thin lets talk while we walk..and talk..and so on..yes i am under it and i am tired... but i haven't gave up...i wish my skin was as thick as yours..
I'm no longer under your skin...Never again will I be..and never again do I want to be..Being under your skin hurts..and I'm done hurting underneath your skin..I've moved on and I'm not looking back..
before I could feel the warmth of your skin,
before I could have the taste of your lip,
The we became I and I am still missing the us we used to be.
that's right! this is not your skin. it's mine. yet why can't i seem to get away? i fight to escape you at all hours of the night. you haunt my waking hours far worse than my dreams and there isn't reason for it. you are not extraordinary. you are just a boy. just a boy that i can't seem to let go of.
interesting how we allow people to get under our skin even though it's not their own. Nice play on words. 2 thumbs up
You always say what I want to say. All I have is my illusions and they are so real that I feel I am under your skin, warm and nice :) remember that cozy cat sleeping under that big ear? My favorite picture:) You and I will always be unfinished business in reality. Why wait and suffer? We are both cowards :( i am worse than you. Love<3
I am the worst lover...toothache :(
This is a good one. This is classic IWTFY.
you get into my bone marrow
Time and time again I want to reblog everything you write here. I wish your words were my own. I envy the way you articulate.
Even those words, the ones I'd rather not hear, at least they prove I'm close enough to hear your voice. I know it’s not perfect, we're not perfect, and there are times when I'm so sick of being disappointed by you that I wish you'd leave me be, but in reality as long as I can still hear you breathing next to me, I know it'll all be ok, somehow.
I prefer to keep breathing next to you. But I would leave you be only if you ask me to... Love from shadows <3
one of my favorites; breathtaking photo and i relate to your words. it's a fight to keep people out.
you've always gotten right under my skin to grab hold of my heart like my skin wasn't even there.
Still from m83?
still from m83 video?
Very nice words. I really wish your words were my own...
So many tears I have cried over you and your thick skin. Just let me in.
There's more to see beyond our skins.
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