There's a library, it's true.
It's written by me, and it's all about you.
It's here for one more year.
It's full of love.
It's full of fear.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
i am so glad you're back.
i missed you.
Me and you together forever. One.
and hope....
speaks out right to my heart.
beautiful x
Stunning! Happy New Year 2011 ! You are absolutely amazing.
Have I ever said, I really love you?
Well. I do.
I hope this blog isn't your library, written by you, all about someone else
Because then it'll be here for only one more year.
Yes it's full of love,
yes it's full of fear
and I don't know what I'd do without it
Keep writing, always <3
Missed you.
& I always find your words beautiful.
Continue to fill the library with more books, and stories to share.
this is true.
On certain days, such as today. I feel overwhelmed by my love for you. As if struck suddenly by a rogue wave… only in the greatest way imaginable. My favorite image is that of your face. And then I think "I don't deserve this." And then I think "One more year is not enough. I want it to last forever." I want US to continue forever. Love you, honey. I would tell the whole crowd. You make me happy.
it's filled with hope
it's here for one more year -> I love it
Real love stories never have endings.
~ Richard Bach
Who do you love?
For us. All about you. Written by me. Fear is love coming between us. Me.
Your love, I don't take it for granted. I appreciate every little thing you do for me and I thank GOD for letting me to have met you. Yes, true love is blind. I love you.
I know I seem to dwell in the past and unable to move on, unable to carry our relationship to the next level. Yes, I hold anger and resentment for what you did in the past. But my biggest obstacle is my fear for the uncertainty. I am not afraid of your gun policy I am afraid that I really have a delusion. Thats totally different. Emotional pain can cause physical pain. I am stuck in this unhealthy corner that no one can help but myself. No one can understand but myself. Love is the water of life. I am afraid that I'd be rejected for it. Struggling...
Love you always <3
Please I don't take it for granted.
You are such an inspiring writer. Reading the comments left here almost always brings a greater understanding to what I am feeling when I visit.
I almost want to send this verbatim to Nebraska... but she may panic trying to interpret what these words may mean to me.
Take care and continue the great work. As much as you have to offer the world, I don't think that commercializing your work would be detrimental to its meaning or scope. Jus' sayin'...
why does fear triumph love?...why do i easily find tears and lose words?
Sometimes I wish things weren't all about you. Sometimes I wish I could write about something else, anything else. Sometimes I just wish my mind didn't revolve around the one person who doesn't want me.
I've missed you.
are you leaving?
Thankyou for writing this for me.
Welcome back.
May your 2011 have much more blessings than misfortunes.
This sounds like goodbye. I don't know whether to spend the year enjoying what's left or mourning the end to come.
don't stop Mr. Thomas. You just don't know how many people you touched by your words, and lives you saved.
i'm one of them.
I have volumes written about our love in my heart and mind's libraries, there is only one story and one ending for us, no matter how it began, how it is now, or how it will be. Know it ends with you and I together forever.
Beautiful writing...keep on keeping on...lotsa love!! happy 2011
Welcome to a new year! Let's make it amazing!
Please tell me it isn't so.
That this library is only going to be here for one more year.
Your writing inspire me so much.
Please stay.
I'll miss you & your wonderful words.
beautiful post!
please don't let this be the last year
I love you, and I missed you more than you could ever imagine.
Happy new year :)
but please, I want no fear.
:) missed you. Have a happy new year!
I've been reading your old posts and you were so much more connected to us, the reader. You commented back to our posts, our cries for help. You wrote every day, posts of sheer emotion and not covered superficial love. I know you've been through a lot, but I miss the person you were. The person every one of us could count on - who would comment back and write just so we knew to hold on for one more brief moment.
I'm focusing on the Love and ignoring the fear....so excited for another year!
Wow. I really feel the need to come and respond to one of these comments.
"You wrote every day, posts of sheer emotion and not covered superficial love. I know you've been through a lot, but I miss the person you were. The person every one of us could count on - who would comment back and write just so we knew to hold on for one more brief moment."
Using your words to explain your feelings of love, or loss or confusions in love ARE NOT SUPERFICIAL!
It doesn't matter how cheesy or lame it seems to sound. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting it out. Sometimes it is exactly those words that feel silly and difficult that need to be let out the most.
In fact, this blog belongs to one person and no one has the right to belittle the things the author chooses to share. How dare we tell him what to write? How dare anyone demand that he write to make them feel better?
In fact, maybe this is a time his readers should be offering words of encouragement. Perhaps he is not feeling his best and instead of expecting him to comfort you, maybe we ought to reach out and say to him
"hold on for one more brief moment."
We're here to listen. Keep talking.
i hope this library of yours never ends;
ive missed you.
Someone else already mentioned it, but it just clicked that you might be referring to this blog as said "library"..
Please never leave us.
I speak for everyone else when I say that we love you, and we don't know what we would do without you..
i missed you
glad you back
One more Year or rest of life ,does it ever change the destiny that breathes within .
Does love really have a truth or a end ?
Love visiting your blog ,glad your staying a little longer ,you bring much calmness to many .
It's a shame you'll never read a single word of it.
Amazing - Simply Amazing!
Only one more year.... I can't bear to think of it.
Please don't leave me yet... I'm not ready to be alone. Your words get me through everyday. The good and the bad.
wow. this is so me. thank you. please keep writing. :)
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