And I'm sorry if I haven't written to you in a while. It's just that life gets in the way of living. It's just that my fingers were stuck together. It's just that all the paper in the world caught fire.
You'll forgive me if I haven't written in a while. It's just that all the envelopes made love to dragonflies and now, we cannot bring them down. It's just that time stopped ticking. It's just that all the ink ran clear.
My apologies if I haven't written in a while. It's just that words ran out of letters (these are the last in the bag). It's just that language isn't perfect. It's just, me.
i'm sorry i haven't written in a while. there's really nothing left to say.
Your absence in new posts means I have time to re-read the old posts. Again and again. :)
I know it's not about you :)
i read every single word…
and they all seemed to be written about me….
just like every songs tells my story….
the songs are not about me.
the words were not about me.
sincerely me.
You have delighted me long enough. I am sorry if I didn't spare a word in your older posts.
that's what i thought i wanted to hear. but i never wanted excuses. i thought i wanted the truth. i guess i just wanted you to say what i wanted to hear.....but the words never came.
What took you so long? I've missed you.
This was really lovely.
the rain washed all the words away
Thanks for using the last in the bag.
Filled up on dessert for starters.
Squeezed in the page lines like spaghetti.
Choked on meatballs like crumpled up paper.
Drowned the letters with fine wine.
Payed the William with Shakespeare.
Went to bed with mint.
Woke up to garlic.
Searched high and low for parsley.
Found a meaning in the middle.
<3 a-non-y-mous
I Love Your Writting !!! Keep It Comin'! ;)
I have been in love with this blog for the longest time, and only very recently started my own blogspot, hence this belated appreciative comment. I love everything about IWTFY, please don't ever, ever stop.
just because you haven't written doesn't mean I haven't heard.
The truth has a way of resonating long after the words run out.
Until I'm high on every silence and hanging on your soft and empty breath.
just want you to know that i rely on your words to get me through the days. each post is so beautiful and though i don't understand it all...i understand some of it. maybe that's enough?
A lot of guys try to apologize with lies. That they did not have had the time, or they just couldn't. Whatever they apologize for. And somehow, you make that... thing... between apologies and lies sound like a little piece of heaven.
this really spoke to me. wow.
Would you meet me with him? I want to whisper my heart into your ear... You'll enjoy listening to me :) love <3
I'll admit it..I'm a procrastinator and a perfectionist. But also, I am frustrated with words! They don't do what I want them to do. Can't seem to get the emotions to illuminate as intended...just frustrated..so sorry.
i have nothing left to say. you are just such a beautiful soul. you remind me to adore life, even when people haven't written me the words i've been waiting for.
Yet everything you ever write, leaves chills running down my spine.
Everything you write, is fully appreciated
from the bottom of my heart.
It suddenly dawned on me.
I felt certain my footprints were
being lovingly preserved.
As if cast with care in plaster.
But now I understand.
They are being covered up.
Please say it isn't so.
I have to believe in you.
I have to believe in US…
I do believe in US.
Because you are my
hero that I love with
all of the love that
I have left in me.
So, you see…
I have no other choice.
P.S. I do know when you are "talking" to me. Somehow we manage, even though I want so much more than the situation allows. I'll just say what I mean. I get shaky sometimes and need your comforting support. I don't think words can ever run out of letters.
I don't want you to write to me.
I want you here with me.
Let the dragonflies keep your words, let the ink run any color it pleases.
Just be here.
Dear Iain,
My name is Sara, I'm 19 years old and I live in Portugal. Like the majority of the people who reads 'you', I've been touched by your words in ways that I cannot totally express. I've been writting since I was 10 years old, which, ofcourse, doesn't make me a talent but surely makes me someone who loves words. Here's the thing: I love yours words. So maybe one day you will feel like there's nothing left to say, nothing else to give. When (and if) that day comes, know this: you will be wrong. And we will be waiting for you. Just like I am waiting for you, now.
Maybe that just makes Your words more infinitely special.
I may get upset, but when we do speak, all is right again.
Forgive me as well.
I'll wait..
I know you'll come back somehow..
And you'll always find new paper for your words. Another ink with various color. And when the rain stop, your words will always be there like a rainbow.
Thanks for all those words
for whatever u write is a jewel...
no worries...
It's OK. I'll always forgive you. You're busy. Me.
Honey, it's really simple. You did a great job. I am over-womanized like a frightened kitten...questioning every single idea. I messed up the first time. I didn't try hard enough the second time, the 3rd time... I need to get out of this ego box, or I will never be able to make it right. I wish I were a butterfly in your tummy carry me every where you go and do everything for me. Sounds too much for you? I know...Love<3
Being busy is just an excuse...I crave for your touch constantly. I feel the heat from your lips. I hate the painful feeling for missing you too much...
" ...the shore where once you stood..looking over the horizon.... "
can you do me a favor and finish those words...they're lacking...see..
I'm still running on fuel derived from the love I received yesterday. Today? I want so badly to help so we can figure out what to do with the truth. A simple plan? I've been intrigued for eons now. What is the elusive secret that nearly everyone knows but me? I just can't help feeling that if armed with more information I could see potential options for a solely positive outcome. What besides the obvious makes US the pertinent business of a crowd? And I do feel that you can read my mind sometimes. I want to know more about that mind and heart of yours. Still on stand-by… meanwhile never doubt my love, as always. And forever.
I know you don't know me, don't care about me, and that you must get told this every day; but I Love You.
I don't mean that I love your writing, or that I think you're beautiful (though I do, you are), but that I'm in love with you.
And I've been considering it for weeks but still don't know how to say it except like this; I think maybe we see the same blue.
This post really defines how I feel right now... :/
the way i'm interpreting this is a man apologizing for not writing a letter to a woman.
i mean, there's two ways we can look at this, positive and negative
i could say that we have to give the guy a break and have faith that he will eventually write to woman when he can
but then something in my mind feels that the woman wants to say, "if you truly wanted to write me, you would."
i could relate to this!
The meaning we give words? You said you cared about me. You said you loved me. Well you have a funny way of showing it. Because I'd show you the world and everything you have ever wanted. I still love you you no matter how bad you've hurt me
Have the photographs that correspond with old photos been changing lately? I feel like there are a great bit of new cat on insect photos, especially in the 2007 posts. If so, why are the photos being changed? I know some are no longer appearing, but why change the rest?
I did the right thing, ending my letters with you. Ending our lie was what you want, what I should want. But still, wasted love stings in my eyes.
I never meant to suggest that anything
about my dream
has changed
I never meant to suggest that
I wouldn't run away
with you
right now
I still would
your writing is so unbelievably inspiring.
it's so sad and so real.
Of course you feel confused. Anyone would. Yes, simple plan, I am still thinking about it... As a matter of fact, that's what I have been thinking all along from the beginning, the day I knew you were leaving... But be honest with me, things didn't work for the past, and I am struggling very hard for the present, will things work for the future? I am scared at the thought that you might leave me after next week... Please don't. Not until we can have a normal conversation. We deserve that.
I was wrong you have been trying hard to correct me and been very patient and caring. I cherish this intimacy you
offer to me. You make me smile often for no reason. I know I am not good enough for you and you refuse to be dragged down to my level. Yes, I have been asking why, and you have been asking why not. I was pretty close though. But the truth is I may never be able to do what I should have done. I use too much a mind instead of a heart. Reactionary instead of confident. What heart feels stays there and the memories never change. I miss every emotion you made me feel, love, hate, anger, fear, doubt...cuz they are so vivid and real and complete... They made me see myself clearer. Yes, you know me more than I know myself XO Love <3
I am that little thing sleeping next to you... I love you, please never doubt. Love<3
are you ok?
I have a blog... http://mollyfisher.net/blog and I am adding you to my list. You are inspirational.
Hey Iain,
Simply said, lovely and straight from the heart.Love it!
I am just some girl. I did end our letters, what I believe to be our lie. I don't believe I know what you want. I know very little else.
Though I know I certainly didn't write the previous comment from 'some girl'.
So, if I keep running away, why does it seem that we have a (love?) story and it's being played without me?
I'm right here. If you want me.
You're much better finding me than I am at finding you.
PS. I'm not really running, just tripping ;P
I'm kidding. No need to apologize, I love the words you do write.
liked it :)
I'm just going to pretend that this was written for me because it's beautiful and you're beautiful and everyone deserves nice words in their life.
No meaning has ever been more true then when I say the words "I Love You"...yet here I am alone again and there you are...with her!
I don'tthink you know what I Love means...
My heart and Soul is being open for all to see ,in Written upon the stars only to be not heard ,not by you
so beautifull
Just came across your blog. And i think its beautiful.
okay so this is amazing.
and you are amazing.
and you inspire me.
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