Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Correct And Proper Way To Feel

"Is this how I'm supposed to feel now?"

"I don't know, I'll check the manual."


"It says that you're feeling the right way."

"What way is that?"

"It says that there is no right way to feel but, right now, after something like this happens, you do need to feel however you're feeling and that feeling this way, however you're feeling, is healthy."

"That doesn't sound very scientific."

"It has nothing to do with science."

"Does it say anything else?"

"It says you'll break something if you beat yourself up for the way you feel and that you won't be able to feel differently until you've finished feeling this feeling."

"Ok. How long will that take?"

"I don't know. How do you feel?"


Nouri_E said...

I'm ok with what I feel. But it irks me when I can't put a name to what I'm feeling.
Do all feelings even have names?

Prixie said...

I hate to get in those 'tearing' modes - then I cry at every little thing, especially if my chocolate supply gets low.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is wonderful
thank you

The PostMan said...

Beautiful writing as always Ian!

Alyssa said...

This is exactly what I'm feeling today. It's hard and I hate it and I don't know how to deal with this thing that is happening to me. This gives me hope and lets me know it's okay.

zonedin said...

It's nice to feel something, anyway. One day it will all make sense.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting into words that which I have struggled with for a very long time. There are so many people I've tried to get this exact message across to and they never seem to get it.

Cassandra said...

I suppose it's the entire point, but I feel like your posts lately ARE for me. It helps, thank you.<3

mr.snugglemars said...

this is really helps with this circumstances which im in now,
thank you :)

Ani said...

Only you would know how to put this feeling to words. I love you. That hopeless, helpless, maddening and intoxicating kind of love.

Thank you for being here.

fizzleh said...


Anonymous said...

i think i subconsciously write these.
why do they always relate so well?

Ana said...
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Serendipituous said...

My favorite blog right here.

Anonymous said...

It's taking

Hetero-Challenged said...

I really needed to read this today.

Anonymous said...

I feel empowered. Bring it the fuck on.

Anonymous said...

Is that the big bad wolf knocking at my door?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


kerry lillian said...

this is oh my god

Anonymous said...

Like having a direct line to god... You be me, I'll be you. Feel. Suffer. Understand what's driving the frustation & anger. Contemplate fair solutions. Report back. Let's get right with each other. There's no way to heal in silence unless we meet each other half way. Pick one layer,peel it back together. Got to be present to leave. Got to work together to be separate. Got to know something in order to forget. Tell me what I need to know, help me understand. Will let go of the rest.

kc said...

this is beautiful and wonderful and true and makes me feel like i am not alone even if no one else understands at all what i am feeling.

Brittany said...

Ride out the wave...

Anonymous said...

"Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. It means nothing. It still doesn't mean anything. What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts."
-The Last Kiss (2006)-

Anonymous said...

Well... This time..I'm not going to beat myself up for feeling the way I do. This time I'm not going to break that certain "something" by my own hands...or unspoken words. This time I'm going to jump. And if I don't fly...I hopefully land on my feet, being able to stand up straight again and even walk a brand new path.

FeverDream said...

this is how we survive.. by understanding that feeling isn't weak, it's natural. it's human, despite our preconceived notions.

Iris said...

You are entitled.
And you will not be judged.


PS. Why can't I comment on this site using OpenID anymore? I used to be able to.

krmudgeon said...

I have just discovered and started following your blog. Your writing is powerful and amazing, and curiously hits me right where I live. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

and I am wondering if I am over-reacting.
yes... the feeling needs time to dissipate.. if it does ever go.