Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Language Of Stars


To discover there's at least one other real person on planet Earth.


To discover that the aliens, can look just like you.


Brittany said...

What a great depiction, alas I remember one post you wrote in the past that referred to heartbreak as being left with an alien heart.


Me said...

Stars, planets, suns, the universe and aliens tend to be a running theme for me.

Thank you <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They can. Who cares ....

Anonymous said...

Love: a four letter word which has many different meanings.

Loss: you're a foreign being to yourself. You don't know who you are. Attempting to speak a language native to a land in which you don't belong.

Me: the realist person you've ever met.

You: look into my eyes. It's ok, they're yours.


The Dreamer said...

Love: the key to loss.

Loss: the wasteland of your soul, and trying to remember that alone-ness isn't all that scary.

Anonymous said...

I'm on my way to heaven.

Dreamer said...

Thinking you have found that one real person, only to be deceived, they just there to see what benefit they can get out of you... This was written in the stars.

Anonymous said...

There is so much people in this planet that don't belong here anymore uuuhfff .... ;)

Nothing bad about it, it's natural

Anonymous said...

I can't leave behind a misspelling.


Anonymous said...

You know what's natural? My hair color now.

Megan Mow said...

I love this!

David said...

Only just discovered your site now... loving it, thank you!

Anonymous said...

That's not star dust, it's soot, left over from the house I burnt down.

Anonymous said...

Dirty blonde.

Anonymous said...

Your alien heart will find home someday.

Anonymous said...

My heart is not alien. I already have.

M L said...


Anonymous said...

Will you finish writingTromagnetia with me. It is good but it is missing U. Will u jsut finally write with me?

Anonymous said...

Im awake but somewhere else stll, in a dreamy realm, sleepy, but aware in that of which the illusion of time still exists to some. We belong where our hearts are, home is in the stars.