Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Truth Is Different Every Day

You keep trying to tell the truth about who you are but you keep changing, every time someone listens.


Anonymous said...

comments again?

joane said...

I don't know why, but I am fascinated by this picture I keep staring at it like I'm trying to figure out what the picture is saying to me. love your blog and your photographs. They are really creative and I absolutely love them. My ultimate dream is to work for glamour/cosmopolitan/marie claire one day and I started a blog to help me acchieve my goal. I was wondering if you could look at my blog and give me some advice. Please help, I really believe you could help me make my dream a reality.

M said...

Hip hip hurray :-) Nice to comment again !

shanwenz said...

I love you.

Brittany said...

This is me. in every way.

Anonymous said...


- said...

Because I fear they will see through me and judge.

Unknown said...

wow! Thanks for opening up the comment section, its interesting to read various perceptions !

Anonymous said...

I.. woke from a dream this morning. I heard someone whisper "you, and only you". Just for giggles i looked it up &.. Wow.

Berry said...

i am so happy that the comments section is back.


Anonymous said...

I need to change, to stay safe

Anonymous said...

You've told so many "truths" that even you don't know what to believe...


caroline. said...

Hmmmm. On my part, I'm consoled by the fact that, at the very least, someone listens. And I try to tell them the truth, but even if it constantly changes, at least it's the truth.


I'm so glad this is back. :*

FeverDream said...

i can't help myself and you know this. i so fear getting close only to lose you again. every secret that slips from my tongue threatens your disappearance.

May said...

I used to feel bad when I say it differently from the last time. I thought I was lying.

sheisiris said...

And yet if you do it enough number of times, then stop, and stand far enough back to survey it as a whole, you'll find that all the changes fit in the whole picture. It's all you. And they can't exist, without the others.

But I love you for the observation. It means you listened to every single time.

Anonymous said...

When you've been stripped of who you are, sometimes you have to transform to keep the authentic "you" safe for those who really care to know it...

Savannah said...

Could I possibly have my words ?
All the ones I got to submit once...

Anonymous said...

"When you've been stripped of who you are, sometimes you have to transform to keep the authentic "you" safe for those who really care to know it..."

Indeed... And actually for yourself.

Anonymous said...

The truth is no longer mine when I open my mouth, the truth is theirs and I'm glad to pass it on.

Anonymous said...

I wrote that passage, thank you for your response. In love, your fellow anonymous.

Me10sia said...

I just wish the truth would stand up and tell me which one it is. Because a truth can seem a lie and a lie can seem the truth. How am I to know the difference between the two before it's too late and the truth eludes me? Is the truth even one of the choices? Or all they all imposters?