Monday, May 28, 2012

The Pain Unfelt

I have told myself you are not allowed to hurt me anymore. That's what hurts the most.


Joyce said...

Amazing. Letting go is one of most painful decisions one could ever make.

Kate Kwok said...

Love this. So related to what I'm dealing with right now.

Anonymous said...

Exactly two months since you broke my heart, I'm still nowhere close to letting you go.

One day I'll feel this pain. One day.

Daniel Sullivan said...

I agree in the fullest - it really is tremendously difficult, but infinitely rewarding.

Anonymous said...

I hate goodbyes:(

Unknown said...

we can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness

Anonymous said...

There are so many tomorrows and people and things inside of them waiting to heal the wounds.

Make sure you don't bring the poison (or traces left on your skin/clothes/soul) with you.

There is no pain there. But you can't go if you won't let them go. So breathe and know, it won't sting forever.

FeverDream said...

i told myself you would be different, and that was what made you just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am afraid to show what I feel. Not because I am afraid to show what I feel but because I am afraid of rejection.... Does that make sense at all?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am afraid of rejection too. I hide. Not for long. But every night before I fall asleep I know where I want to belong. With you. I just need you to say it too.

Does that make sense at all?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I want to be with you too. So come say what you're saying here, to me..... I would love for you to stop hiding.

Unknown said...

So which is the better hurt? The one you inflict, or the one inflicted by not allowing you to hurt?