Monday, July 13, 2009

The Needle And Ink

Look at you, like a new tattoo. Because I might not always have you but I'll have the feeling of you for the rest of my life.


J.Eris said...

you already left a mark and it hurts seeing it everyday...

3lyserrrr said...

I LOVE THIS. thank you for your words <3

ambiguousminds said...

i am definitely out of words and breath when i read this..this defines me right now..

thank you.

L said...

When this ends (because it will, it has to), it will be like a scar not a tattoo.

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

dope analogy.

Sashie VII said...

Damn sometimes the words are spot on. It's exactly what I'm feeling at the moment.

carlyles said...

I was talking to myself about it just now.

Lover said...

Lover, you're like a tattoo on my heart.

So we said we must move on. But there was never, never one waking moment that I didn't think of you. Never yet. And when I sleep, I dream of you too.

Then I realized, you ARE tattooed on my heart.

Anonymous said...

people forget about tattoos easily

Anonymous said...

This could not have come at a better time.

Anonymous said...

This so thoroughly embodies what I'm feeling right now - in the process of letting something go.

~my~ said...

dont let me be just a tatoo..

Jen Jordan said...

Gorgeous and fuzzy and deep.

Rfq Kml said...


Anonymous said...

It hurts

Anonymous said...

oops meant to say, FUCK it hurts

C said...

thank you, this couldnt have come at a better time. i will have to remove a tattoo that means so much to me, for his religion, that i dont really believe in.

it was a sacrifice i didnt think i could ever make. till now.

j said...

you're words really define what i feel right now. thank you.

mxz said...

`` just like her .. a tattoo inked underneath my skin .. may not always have her, but the feeling of her FOREVER ..