We've received unconfirmed reports that you are beginning to ask questions. Please accept the world as it is and allow it to continue to work the way it works. Fit in.
Thank you.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Don't fix it if it's not broken.
"When you're dreaming with a broken heart, Waking up is the hardest part."
I'm sorry if the things I said made you believe I don't appreciate this thing given to us. But I need you to trust me that I do appreciate it, that I have in fact a love for it bigger than any story. I also need you to understand that sometimes I'm shaking in my boots and that asking those questions helps me stabilize.
(And trust me, you don't want me unstable.)
And please, please don't ever again tell me to fit in. Because I've been told this so often it makes my ears bleed. And when you tell me this it makes my heart and eventually my mind blead, too.
I am just fine the way I am. I don't have to fit in. I'm okay the way I am and I will proceed learning to love me for the person that I am. And if you can't, damn baby, if you can't than I might have to find a way out and save myself.
You hurt me today.
I love you. But I won't stop loving me for you.
It isn't working very well, and i don't fit in anywhere. But, apparently, I am supposed to just bulldoze on. Fantastic.
From someone who loves you work:
It almost hurts to say that your writing has changed recently. Granted, things change and it is seldom that things remain the same but its a little disappointing.
"Fit in"...I feel like thats something that you would be completely against. I didnt see you as someone who agrees with conformity. (Then again, I dont know you personally) In that sense I cant judge but from your writing you seemed to be fighting for the outcasts and inspiring people to believe in themselves and accept themselves just the way they are, as I'm sure you see yourself. I almost feel like recent negative comments and attacks on you are what have brought about this change and I hope thats not the case and that you havent let it get the best of you.
Don't get me wrong, Im not attacking you or insulting you and I still enjoy reading your entries but I was quite disappointed with your attitude (in this post)
I will continue to read your work and I still believe in the art that you display here. However, I could not resist expressing my hurt over this post.
I wish you the best.
I could be wrong, but I don't take this as the writer demanding us to conform. I think he just points out what the world will say to us as individuals when we begin to question how they run things, and how they tell us to just fit in when we are different because it's easier for them to accept someone who is similar to themselves. But I don't believe the author is literally advising us to blindly accept the way everything works as it does. To me, it sort of shows how ridiculous asking for conformity is.
Sad irony, so beautifully presented. Thank you.
Uncanny how everything you write every day is so applicable to my life, as if you really wrote it for me... ...Today I delved into forbidden knowledge and realized again how messed up this world is, how blind people are, how nothing is as it seems, and then your post...
I keep reminding myself it already happened. This time, it's me questioning, not you. You accepted it quietly but I did not. I still am not.
Shall I fit in or fight for my right?
Call me crazy, but I think one is supposed to look at it like a telegram to someone who's trying to peer beyond the ordinary. And the "fit in," part just emphasizes humanity's inherent stubbornness to abide by even Nature's laws. I suppose the way someone reacts to such a message reveals as such, that there are those that will ask no questions and those that will.
You're the best!!
HELL NO. I will ask questions. I will ask why and how and where and who and what and ask different people and think about it when I get different answers. And if I don't like something, I will change it. I will start with changing it with me, and then when people notice that I'm different, I will tell them why. And the change will spread, through my children until my children's children can't imagine a world where things were wrong in this manner.
I do not believe that acquiescing to a wrong because everyone else does it makes it right.
I know this game, It's called "Pass the Irony". And just because you wrote it for me doesn't mean I'm gonna go and take it all personally. But I'm still not sure who won?
i won't. i won't. i won't. i won't.
At first i was like some of the people here, disagreeing totally with what the author says. W don't
I think he/she is tryin to create that disagree-ness in us, so we create strong feeings of "not wanting to fit in", something like reverse psychology?
^^ Thanks, pleasefindthis.blogspot.com
I love this, everything about it.
I think it's beautiful that you ask for us to "accept" it. As if the whole universe is a victim to us and our questions.
Sometimes we need to fit in. In some aspects we need to be just like everyone else.
Don't get me wrong I think it's great to be yourself - but maybe if so many people didn't question so much about the world, we would have less people alone and less people that feel no one truly understands them.
I can't just 'Fit In', I need to change but I am not ready for that. I like the way I am. I wwill better like to remould the world.
honestly, i didn't like this one. and yes agreeing with the previous poster, your style has changed drastically since the beginning...
I don't usually like explaining my posts because I prefer for people to walk away with their own meaning but I'll make an exception in this case.
The point of this post is that you disagree with it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I never set out to write an advice column, which seems to be what the hundreds who copy me seem to think I do, so they end up writing twee little cliches about life which make my skin crawl.
Think for yourselves, don't take everything I, or anyone else, says at face value.
Question everything.
I was told to 'FIFO' (Fit In or Fuck Off) most of my teenage years, in a school that wore uniforms, in a small conservative town.
I chose to fuck off. I've never regretted it.
But telling you not to fit in, to not tow the line, to not accept the world as it is, to change it, to see what's possible and set out to accomplish it, will never be as powerful as you reaching that conclusion for yourself.
The more people do this, the less power the people who don't want you to ask questions have.
That's the end of the old game.
I hope you wont mind me linking this post to my Tumblr.
I love this post so much.
Pure Orwell! Love it.
very true. what is considered normal and why does society have to conform to it?
I will try. I believe you because you are calm and knowing and I contradict myself in hundreds of different ways. Every moment of every day.
But despite this my soul yeans for more. I trawl the internet late at night looking for beauty and someone who feels like I feel. Much like an unhappily successful man driving the redlight district at night pretending to look for sex but really seeking out kindredship in those resolutely working the familiar while their souls died hundreds of small deaths. Too ilinformed and tired to change.
I betray you by feeling different. I hope you forgive me. I can't forgive myself.
I have a feeling you figured out what I'm up to.
It's wasn't meant to hurt you.
It was meant to ruin everything.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry but it is true. You ask questions, people will tell you to shut up and stay out of other peoples lives even I'd the question is life or death. "Fit in" they tell you. You have no power against them. It sounds horrible but it is true. Thank you for writing this blog with the truth. It makes me feel better to know someone knows the unspoken laws of the world we live in. Thank you
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