Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Stranger In You

My parents gave me a book and it told me I was made of dirt and dust. But you, you were made of ash.


Anonymous said...

you used to burn.
But all that's left of you is the part that refuses to burn.
lovin this.

Anonymous said...

could somebody please explain this one? i thought i understood it but i dont lol

Lauren Stork said...

get out of my head.

Whatever said...

Did you read that in your book, or do you know because you lit the match yourself?

Ciarline said...

This one.. is quite ambiguous but regardless, thank you.

Miss Keyszz said...

This one, indeed, is an ambiguous one. I had to think on this awhile. I'd like to type up my two cents, if you don't mind.

The ash part is interesting; my first thought was of a phoenix. On Ash Wednesday, they say, "From dust you were made; to dust you shall return." And so I become that person who is despairing and is being torn apart by life. But you, you were made of ash. You, show me how to overcome the abyss and fly. You, show me how to live.

You, Iain, show me how to live.

My second thought was a reference from Wuthering Heights. -Googles the line-: "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

I was made of dirt and dust. But you, you were made of ash.

Anonymous said...

i thought it meant that the other person, the "you", differs from the "me" in the post. "me" is made from dust, like any other person, but "you" has been burnt down to a crisp before and has built himself back up again. therefore he is made of ash.
essentially they have different backgrounds, i think.

Hopeless Romantic said...

At rare times, I find people so incredible that I wonder if they're really human at all. I wonder how we could breathe the same way and blink the same way, and yet everything else is unique and unfamiliar to me.

Just lovely.

Abaddon said...

Good old bible references. The debates could go on for days lol

But since Im here I might as well contribute.

I took it to mean that the "other person" made from ash was like saying that they were made from all the evil/waste/destroyed/ pieces of other people. Im in a negative mood lately so i see things darker.

However you could put a positive spin on it and look at it from the point of view that they rose from the ashes

In the end you probably didnt intead any of that... other than to make us think lol

dreamer said...

or from a pagan point of view it could mean we're two parts of the whole. One from the element of earth - stable, grounded and the other the element of fire - passionate, fiery. But we're the elements of air and water here.

Anonymous said...

To me it means;
You were once a great powerful fire, now you're only ash, nothing but a whisper of what you once were.
All I ever have been is 'dust' I've always known it. Now, we're the same, you're no better than I am.

Anonymous said...

you will be reborn again, just like the phoenix.

i am returning to where i came from. back to my old self, but you, oh, you will be reborn into something better.

Rehan Who said...

some of your posts lately depress me.

Anonymous said...

phoenix ;)

Anonymous said...

1 post and so many different interpretations........this seriously makes one think!! it<3

klara said...

There are two entries in the book I never understood : This one, and The Green Curtain.