Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Trees That Decided Not To Die

As I put down my pen, I know someone, somewhere is picking up theirs.

I know that someone, somewhere is playing a guitar for the first time.

I know that someone, somewhere is dipping a paintbrush and marking a field of white.

I know that someone, somewhere is singing a song that's never been sung.

Perhaps someone, somewhere will create something so beautiful and moving, it will change the world.

Perhaps that somewhere is here.

Perhaps that someone, is you.


CrazyLady said...

The title is beautiful.

Tyron Bache said...

beautiful.. just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

i hope so too.

pyry said...

so moving text u write. i'm jealous.

pinkyandrexa said...

I really enjoyed reading this poem. The line at the end rounds it off beautifully.

Drea said...

"dipping a paint brush and marking a field of white"

I love that!

GeorgeDubya said...

That place is here, and for those of who read this, that person is you. Never underestimate the power of the words you share with us on a daily basis. They are transformative and powerful as only words spoken with love can be.

Anonymous said...

wonderful. Came upon your website by accident. I am enchanted. Have faith. Love conquers all. Love where you are in this moment. The people you are with, the city you are in, the environment. The work you are doing, studying. You will receive love in return

m said...


Thank you.

Ariana said...

this was amazing...every post is amazing, but every post is a different kind of amazing. And thats amazing haha

Beyond said...

Had you just told me that you don't want to do anything beautiful but the most beautiful thing you want to do is love me. I would have stayed their till eternity.

Abaddon said...

very moving

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's hard to find love in the world. Everyone is too afraid of giving love without receiving any.

But you can see it ever so clearly in caring parents, in real relationships, between best friends.

You can see it in the eyes of a patriot. You can see it in the smirk of a comedian. In the stance of a fighter. The fingers of a pianist.

And you my friend, I can clearly see it in your writing. I can feel your love flowing through your words seeping right into my soul.

It is beautiful and inspiring.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is there.
I believe it is you.

Dr. Calina Gregor said...

This is absolutely beautiful and probably my new favorite by you. Thank you. <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this.

Anonymous said...

nice! I'm glad to have stumbled upon it. -REEA

Ithili said...

Elegant and moving in it's simplicity and truth

Shay said...

eloquent & beautiful =0)

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful. But make me a promise and remind what it feels like to be in love again, Iain? Hes been gone for too long.

Anonymous said...

i hope i can be one of those people.

Anonymous said...

You have changed the world. You've helped people. You're a hero.

kerrie elaine said...

Perhaps it's you...

yingying said...

you really never fail to inspire..=]

Anonymous said...

Your words sweet and encouraging. I think if I deserved love I would have found it by now. I look at the torn broken fragments of past loves that never were. I'm so pitiful. Yet i needed them so much. Is that the best I can do.
I keep fighting because if I stay here I won't die. It will be torture. I move to change the places I feel hurt. This is why I hate myself.

Anju Thomas said...

Awsomeeeee............simply awsome words with depth....@m lending ur words for my blog in my upcoming post....of course with due courtesy

ManJo JojO said...


Nina said...

"Perhaps that someone, is you."
simply perfect...

Unknown said...

This is the first piece of yours I have ever read and I'm so glad it was this one. Not just because it inspires me as a writer, but because it inspires me as a reader, too. I think the most important thing writers can do is read.

mark said...

I have always believed, That: If a tree falls, in the forest, wether or not I am there to experience It, it exists. That it changes with the season's and apon its falling it makes a sound. I love your words and imagery, it does inspire and that it what we do, we create so that others have the opertunity to experience the forest for the tree's. Thank you

Hopeless Romantic said...

I have goosebumps.

Anonymous said...


qa said...

This is beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely beautiful, radiant, bright, enchanting. I simply adore the whole piece, although the last two lines are the ones that really pluck at my heart strings.