Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Facts On Stumbling

Here's to you. Because I've never met anyone who makes a better you, than you.


Nouri_E said...

teehee... reminds of Dr. Seuss. "It is Truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You"

Me said...

You're the second person to mention that, so I've changed it.

There's no point in writing something that's already been written <3

Me said...

Changed back due to several twitter complaints <3

Luna said...

:) a friend told me just now, how i am actually a colorful butterfly, most intricate and graceful.

nobody is more me than me.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you but I'll smile and pretend its true because what really matters to me is that you took the time to say them.
You took time out of the love I give you and the unending demands in your day to notice the sadness behind my smile, the little moments that my mask slips.
Maybe I'm sad about the human condition or the way I struggle with my feelings. I've never been able to speak of them till this moment. I'm afraid but I don't know what my enemy is. I don't know what I'm running from. It could be my own shadow.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the comments are just as amazing as the posts. I wish I could be as eloquent as some of your commenters.

Anonymous said...

somehow or rather, this is so much more beautiful than somebody telling you, "you're unique, just like everybody else" (:
anyway, love this quote. and i would most certainly love me, if i met me one day.

Beyond said...

When I look at you i am intoxicated. if i won't kiss you i'll die.

vox said...

nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Here's a toast to the happy accident that let everyone meet, across oceans and electronic bytes, and allow us to say things beyond "hi", and "hello", and "good day".

Greetings and cheerios on this beautiful day from the tropics!

L said...

Rajat is just a little bit disturbing. But anyway, to the anon who said that this is more beautiful than someone telling you "you're unique, just like everybody else", yes, I suppose it is. It's not even meaningful when somebody tells you you're unique. If everybody's unique, you're not unique anymore. You're just another one of those who's unique. Unique is a word used so often, so often that it has long lost its meaning and value.

la.leche said...

The best.

Ciarline said...

Short and sweet :)

Whatever said...

Ha, I've never met anyone who makes a worse me than me either tho :)

Lisa said...

true :)

Skylar Cherie said...

I dont know how you manage to capture my mood with every single post. I suppose it's all about interpretation. Someone else is prolly reading this thinking, wow, that is exactly what I'm feeling. Thank you for feeling what i'm feeling.

Skylar Cherie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

anon 5:49 i totally agree with you :D

reading the post makes me smile. and reading the comments make me laugh.

Frei said...

I LOOVE your blog. Are now following you.. :)

Eternity said...

No friend, here's to you. Because I've never met anyone who helps me be a better me, than you.

Hopeless Romantic said...

Beauty. <3

Sanna said...

I love your blog!

sparks said...

It's a very harsh day today and I'm a little beaten wondering how people (those you know, and those you don't, those you love, and those you loved) can be so harsh. So harsh. I felt like I just want to disappear. The only wonderful thing was when I read this line from my RSS feed. Though we've never met, but I'd imagine if we did, this is what you would say to me. And I would say, "Thank you, ditto." And that kinda put a little warmth back in my heart and a little smile to go with it.

Thank you.

Alyaa said...

It's you that I want, can't you see?

Unknown said...

So beautiful!! Love this one!

Kisa Z. said...

Lovely! But Iain, please post the other one too. I liked it as well.

Bright Eyed Dyer said...

Without you, my Darling, I would not be the same me. Oh, close I suppose. But not the same. And nowhere near as wonderful. Thank you for being a special part of me.