Friday, August 6, 2010

The Bleach

You are your hair and your eyes and your thoughts. You are what you look at and what you feel and what you do about it. The light from the sun is still a part of the sun. My thoughts of you are as real as any part of you.


HopelessSurvivalist said...

Great post,
Where in south africa do you live?
Joburg i'm guessing, or the cape?
I'm from there too

Reina said...

fluid and thoughtful writing as usual.

where did the post about your friend who was taken in Africa go?

cynical bones said...

like the earth and the sun, when you leave me, i'm still warm.

N.Ali said...

deep breath...
My heart thinks of you as your words enter my awareness..
They find me, as you know they will
They reach me, as you know they can
My heart thinks of you
As your spirit takes my hand..

N.Ali 06/08/2010 8.53pm

Nicole said...

i love you and this.

Unknown said...

You are the most beautiful poem I've ever written.

zonedin said...

Take away all the stains and this is who I really am.

Miss Philosophy said...

Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light. -Author Unknown

Whatever said...

You are wrong, my heart is so much more of me than you could ever know. Your thoughts are you, you have to reach beyond them if you want to touch the truth of me.

N.N. said...


Anonymous said...

You are as real as the hands that I am using to write this.

Anonymous said...

you say that thinking about my lips touching yours is not as real as actually feeling them. but it is, all of this is real. you need to realize this. just because the sun is high up and far away doesn't mean we don't still feel its warmth.

Steph Homewood said...

This was mine, thankyou.

Anonymous said...

please tell me if you wrote this yourself. it is beautiful but i dont want to take it if it is yours.

Me said...

It is mine, as is everything here but the pictures (those are Jon's) but you're more than welcome to take it <3