You notice someone cutting you off in traffic. But not that the earth is still here for one more day.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
just like you notice her smile and forget the way you ever felt about mine.
Just that she forgot the way I made her smile when someone else came along to do the same.
We get caught up in the hustle,
In the reality which we so dislike.
And forget to remember the beauty
of the planet,
which holds us here.
I needed this more than you know.
Thank you.
I miss you.
Cut me off... I won't forget that the earth still turns... One thing I'll never forget is how beautiful of a person you truly were... Even if the earth did stop on it's axis, and everything was coming to an end... I'd want nothing more than to be by your side... Still... I miss your voice and everything about you. The days just get harder because all I want to do is talk to you... But I can't... Please... Talk to me.. Break this evil silence that fills the air... And let me hear my favorite music one more time... Your voice...
You noticed me when I was gone, but never noticed me when I was here.
And it's true the Earth cannot turn without you, because every time you turn around she's here. Ready to catch you when you stumble, ready to teach you how gravity really works.
You love fresh air....you use to say I took your breath away
Please, forgive me for this. I've been so hostile lately; so incredibly pessimistic. As if the world needs one more person to be cold and heartless. I love, I swear that I do. Even on the very worst days, I stop to take in the fresh air. So forgive me, I am thankful for today; I am thankful for you... even if I forget to show it.
wise words.
Hii, I'm not sure how relevant this is right now, or if you will even see this comment, but I have to try.
There is a fire of inhumanity spreading throughout the Middle East, and right now the flames are highest in Libya. If you could help to do as simple as spread awareness and ask for prayers, it would mean a lot.
I wouldn't ask if this wasn't important to the whole world. Thank you so much.
If I found you, I would ask you just one question. You know, about archaeology. I want to ask you so bad.
Hi ijaye,
I already tweeted about Libya this morning and will continue to try and use whatever power I have in this world to bring attention to the problems there.
My thoughts are with freedom fighters and revolutionaries everywhere.
- Me
Oh no I sense a twinge of negativity and I hate it more than words can express. I'm scanning desperately for any rays of light. Forgive me, as I have been under the most unnecessary stress as of late. You are my beacon, Honey. (It just occurred to me how funny it would be if I were so stressed out that I typed bacon instead - Har. [Almost did.] ;D) This love IS intended. It feels right to me.
Life continues as the earth inevitably continues to spin.True. But on occasion my equilibrium is thrown off balance. I worry about loss and potential loss of true love. I truly love you… you know that by now, correct? But what doesn't escape notice is that -
you know. And it's tough. I'm just so glad every day to continue to hear from you in our own weird way. I miss you so much. Anything I can do to acommodate/improve/compromise/further this fierce love between us I would do in overdrive. Snap, snap. I'm all ears and open to suggestions. I never mean to make you feel discouraged and I'll always be "by your side" and I'll always be your girl. Together, we can do anything we choose. XO
I'd love to talk to you, but how do I know whether you will be my enemy or friend? I am selfish and you know that I want my freedom more than you. Maybe someday we can sort things out, but not now, not the way you want. I am used to the suffering already, just try to get comfortable with that.
You want me to trust you, I'd love to, but trust built on what? Solely on my imagination? Curious George
Notice the unnoticed...
I wish you could come and find me, not because you know how, but because I want you to so bad. Love from shadows <3
You wouldn't slap me in public, that'd make you look very bad. I'd love to meet you in a crowd :~)
I've finally found that life goes on without you, and my world still turns when you're not around.
i wish we would all notice the everyday blessings we are each given- thank you for your subtle words, beautiful imagery and for your shared perspectives.
Fine, I will come and see you. I need a few days. Now Im nervous.
This isn't regarding noticing, its referencing you fighting for your sport - you pushing - with everything to achieve what you want. "I know my place gentlement, it just may not be where you like it"
You're the warm blanket wrapped around my heart that feels just right. Like eucalyptus. Yesterday you said you'd show me all of the places we used to go. I've missed you so much. See you soon. I love you.
I'm not afraid you're here now.
though not hold a belief or go check it out .
you was left with life term gift ,that you will share with the one you love forever .
the beauty of it all
The truth has given clarity.
not ever once had you ever proudly ,place my picture ,in the praise of your love.
much less ,let anyone know you was not single
my heart you always kept it hidden with shame ,not love
just don't any more
You make me feel so good. So free. So close yet far away.
Thank you.
De pequeno, tinha medo de quadrados
pois sabe-se que têm alguns lados
e não gostava nem um pouco de ser acompanhado.
Cresceu um pouco, o temor virou de sapato
temia por seus pés,
e se ficassem para sempre aprisionados?
Muitos anos depois, hoje tem medo de ser amado
por não ter aprendido,
por nunca ter se acostumado.
Please never talk to me when I’m drunk. I would only ruin this whole “I’m over you” charade I’ve worked so hard for.
All I want is a new beginning. No, not with you. Just new.
You know how to make it better. You know me.
You asked me to write you something.
I do respect people's faith, but I don't respect their manipulation of that faith in order to create fear and control.
Javier Bardem
Let's talk about fear and control.
The earth is here for one more day and that's exactly why I'm using time wisely.
I crave you everyday. Words cannot express the way we make each other feel. Like a long lost love has finally found me. I am home when I am with you. I am at peace. When our eyes meet my heart stops. I have to remind myself to keep breathing. I say listen to the sound of our beating hearts pounding as it drowns out the sounds of bells and water running swiftly nearby. There is nothing better than when you hold me. I'm safe in your arms. This is where I belong. Me.
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