Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Reminders Still Take Me

Nothing is faster than the speed of thought. I can look at anything and think of you.


Anonymous said...

And that's why my world is unbearable.

NsNz said...

and honestly i don't mind thinking about you all the time. as long as it keeps your presence alive in my mind.

Anonymous said...

This one is so sweet it produced two tears. And did you know? You are perpetually on my mind, regardless of whether I am awake or asleep. <3

Anonymous said...

Iain, your words are my soul's ghost; it's deepest ache, anguish and passion. Someone knew just what he was doing by leading me here.

Guiding Spirit said...

And here I am, thousands of miles away from the spaces I shared with you and yet, it only takes a second to remember you and for the hurt to start again ....

Anonymous said...

i love you too.

Big Mark 243 said...

Sometimes I can't help but leave a comment... this post is an example of a story I have to leave some sort of comment on... amazing

Anonymous said...

I feel you when you think of me.

Anonymous said...

Saying that I think of you would be a lie, I don't even have to think of you anymore, you just appear into everything, any time, every day. And all it does is make me miss seeing you.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most brilliant lines I've ever read. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I hate to think about you all the time. Because it aches. And I see you in everything and that aches even more. But you don't even know me...

Maleeka said...


Anonymous said...

Quite the contrary as my heart, mind and soul knows YOU more stridently than anyone might assume or imagine. (A side effect of your being perpetually on my mind.) An "effect" that I cherish and value as the singular most positive influence in my life, as it continually stands. For a long while now; as well as still... NOW.

What perplexes me is one burning question, which is to say: why not "see" me, not via the shadowy haze but rather... at least the bright backlight of our matching digital screens? (F.T.?)

I "have your back" and you have my heart. <3


Anonymous said...

It wouldn't help if I was blind either.
You know, sometimes I wish I would just wake up one day and you've completely slipped from my memory.

Anonymous said...

God I wish you felt for me the way I feel for you...


zonedin said...

I love those little reminders of you speeding through my consciousness. It's a warm burning sensation like lightening kisses deep within. Really hope that never ends.

Anonymous said...

It is far better that we are miles apart for when we are sitting next to each other that is the time I am missing you the most. :(

Anonymous said...

I remember. How could I forget? You're like a poison without an antidote. You haunt me even in my sleep. But no, I will forget you. Not just today.

Anonymous said...

I remember. How could I forget? You're like a poison without an antidote. You haunt me even in my sleep. But no, I will forget you. Not just today.

PerfectlyBroken said...

This is absolutely beautiful. And true for more than one person, but all people.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Another one of those lines that I wish I wrote, but didn't because, well, I couldn't. So thanks to people like you who can, and do. (=

Anonymous said...

Everything reminds me of you, you know that. I think of you constantly. I hope you feel it.

Anonymous said...

Feel it? I live it... My thoughts are hurting of you.

Anonymous said...

Guiness,. The reminders still take me.

Anonymous said...

My very world stops at the " thought" of your existence. by simply knowing that you are "out there"...thinking, breathing, perhaps "seeing" what I see.....brings me a moment of joy and an enternity of sadness.......

Ananti Wungudita said...

litterally true.

Omim | cirugía estética said...

Thank you for these words... 8..)

Anonymous said...

Your unwelcome place in my mind fades a little more with every brand new day.

Anonymous said...

Right, but its thinking of me that got you lost in the first place. It's the thoughts you had and how often they ran through your precious, beautiful mind, that made you the person you are today. And I know you thought it was out of love, but it wasn't. It was never love at all, it was power. And that's the kind of thing I've had to begin standing up to. That's why you are where you are, in your dim grey world of nothingness waiting for a taste of freedom again, registered as so many incriminating titles that really will hurt you and that is why I am here, behind a set of keys telling my story anywhere i can knowing you won't find it, because if you do you'll be there longer and the break in my heart will be deeper. And I know you won't understand this, but I'm done hoping that things are ok. I am done thinking that someday things will be better and we will try again. Because we won't. While you're busy living in the past I'll be creating my future.