I put my hand up against the glass and even though I can't see it, I know you're on the other side.
I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get it. They may think they get it, but they don’t. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
why is it that you can put in words on how I feel right now...
I love that you guide me into selfhelp.
The room was suddenly rich and the great bay-window was
Spawning snow and pink roses against it
Soundlessly collateral and incompatible:
World is suddener than we fancy it.
(Louis Macneice, from 'The Drunkenness of Things Being Various')
I look into your eyes through the glass - but still, there is a glass between us.. I can't feel you and it hurts
Because I can feel you.
But I'm too blind to see.
Love makes blind.
I love you. I miss you.
I'm not chasing after you. You know where to find me.
You said our story was the greatest love story in history. Of course it's not going to be easy. You know I am always here for you. No one else. Only you.
that same glass surrounds me from all angles. our relationship it's teetering at the top of a cliff and with every word and move i make it's possible that this glass box will shatter. i understand that you're on the other side, but maybe that's what's wrong here. shouldn't you be with me rather than against me? i don't want to be careful with you, i want to enjoy myself with someone else. please just understand that when i say it.
Will there always be a wall of glass between us... :(
So close, I could almost fly away with you.
Better stand back one day me and the wind are gonna bust right through that sheet of glass
I have been missing you so much that I forgot who I am, where I am, when I am. The wind was blowing bubbles through the leaves and one of them was carrying my thoughts towards you but it blew apart
The "ghost-limb phenomenon" - whereby folks who have lost a limb continue to feel that "it" is there, regardless. Perhaps it's wrong of me to make such a comparison... but I am accustomed to thinking wrongly I suppose. The not-there feeling is what I feel about you. I can feel what you would feel like, and yet I cannot. Aside from the fact that I can. Imagination is our greatest gift, Love. It allows me to feel you when I can't. <3
What draws us to the glass?
The instinct of self sacrifice
I put the glasses down.
Shut the computer off.
Let's go to bed.
This can wait a night.
Shhhh...it's nice being with you here on the other side of the glass, in stillness and peace, palm to palm even if only for this moment. Hi....
I'm always here. Nothing will separate us now.
I haven't felt more beautiful in my entire life. Promise me you'll think of me each time you look up to the evening sky. You are my horizon. Me.
And the glass always remain there.. Be a border within me and you. But i always waiting you here.. Find me..
I once described the feeling when you weren't close to me, as if one of my legs had walked away by itself. Missed you ever since.
I try and find ways to put words together, then I read this and all the words just come together
But you don't know that I am on this side looking out for you ..
this is beautiful. its oddly comforting
~ the blogger
Then my mom told me
There's no one actually IN the TV
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