There is no pain.
Just atoms becoming humans and picnics, lovers and stars. And then something else. And sometimes it feels like if the wind blew too hard, it'd take us all with it. You don't have to close your eyes. There is no pain. Just atoms becoming the blood that pumps through your heart and the knot in your throat, the clouds above us and air inside your lungs. There's nothing to cry about. There is no pain. Just the light from distant suns and flocks of birds. The sensation of time passing. Waves against the sky. Those shudders than run through your body, aren't there. Your nose isn't blocked. There is no pain.
I love this; this is exactly what I needed to read. I needed this to remember that life is just... life. It can be complicated if I choose it to be. But it can also be simple, as long as I choose it to be.
I am in a lot of pain right now. You have taken my mind off it and onto more
Thank you
Chills. Is what this gave me.
A sensation I experience much too often.
You stole the words from out of me.
At least I know this is a state we may all feel
At one time or another.
There is no pain? I don't have to close my eyes. It's already dark. There is no light. No light from distant suns. All of the birds have flown south for the Winter.
Time passes with the changing of the seasons. You are here, but I miss you more with every breath. I cry for you. Me.
And suddenly things are a lot more clearer.
If there is no pain, then I must be dead.
This goes a long way towards explaining what's been wrong with me the last... fifteen years.
I like you, I really, really like you.
but there is pain. and that doesn't have to be such a negative thing all the time! pain intensifies. it makes the lovers love passionately and the stars burn brighter. it makes you seem larger than the world, if only for a moment. it makes your problems seem big, but only long enough for you to feel, like really feel, something. because if there was no pain, how would we realize just how important those closest to us are? if there was no pain, how would we learn? if there was no pain, how would the world know love?
There is no pain, as long as I choose not to acknowledge it. There is no pain as long as I am numb. There is no pain. yeah there is no pain.there is no pain.
There is nothing to fear, only to trust.
everything is a mess without YOU and there is a lot of pain
and I am tired of YOU, of me, of us.......let me free
There Is No Pain Like Childhood:)
I have never felt so much love, yet so much pain at the same time. I feel as though we never really had a chance because you never totally gave yourself to me...maybe you never really wanted to. The light I once saw in your eyes was only there because I wanted to see it and believe in it.
Shattered, let me speak for myself. Broken
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