Monday, October 31, 2011

The Missing Machine

There's a folder of pictures I can't open.
There's so many songs that don't sound the same.
There's a number I can't dial and a message I can't send.
There's a restaurant I can't eat at, not with any friends.
There's words and names I can only say in my head.
There's a pair of eyes that belong to you, that I can never look into again.


Cat said...

You said you wanted out. Why didn't you leave? I see you in everything.

Anonymous said...

It is like you are the one sole voice which speaks out for the rest of us.

I hope you never stop writing. I'd be heartbroken if you do.


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

missing a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/significant other/mother/father/loved one, it doesn't matter... it still hurts no matter where we are!

Anonymous said...

It's like the lies are strangled up in the truth. You can but you tell yourself you can't.

Nirati said...


Anonymous said...

And I'm left saddened. Because these eyes only desire to peer into yours. The soul. Our souls.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it hurts so much; ridiculously, incomprehensibly painful for us both, with bigger losses beyond just our foolishness, I know. As much as my heart's aim for so long has been to love and support you, I am struggling. Wish you were back in my life to lean on and feel safe with again. I miss your love, our friendship. And at least a few songs.

Vishal Raj said...

It just feels like as I am speaking my heart to somebody, somebody whom I really want to talk to. This is great piece !!

P said...

Shit. I hate it when this is so true.

Anonymous said...

it's my 21st today. thank you for saying everything that i wanted to. your post is so true. the eyes which once held all our promises are now looking into someone else's. i am reminded about how transient things really are. and how holding on to the past will only be the hurt you carry along. i'm still trying to forget. i have been trying for the past 2 years.

Kat Whoo said...

There's the thoughts I cant silence when I need to rest
There's the 2nd chance card that has recently expired
There's the parks we walked that have lost their trails
There's the plans for a family that will never be
There use to be a us
There's now a you
There's now a me

Anonymous said...

This is exquisite.

Ouch, my heart.

Anonymous said...

Love is unconditional.
Relationships are not. -Grant Gudmundson

Maria said...

I will always find ways to see you, even if it's just in strangers on a street corner.

Anonymous said...

Yup, you're gone and im haunted.

FeverDream said...

there's a face that breaks my heart and a voice that sings my name. there are stars that i can't look at, in a sky that makes me cry. i was in love with you, i would just never say it to you...

Kat said...

I see you in everthing. You know that. I tell you all of the time. There is a pair of eyes that belong to me and they are exactly like mine. I see you in the mirror everytime I look into it. If you can't look into my eyes ever again, then you can't look into your own because everytime you do all you see is me and you know it. It doesn't matter what's behind the glass. It's the reflection in the glass which matters most. Me.

Unknown said...

After a while, we'll get reacquainted with all the pictures, songs, restaurants, words, us. The context may change, feelings may be different, we would have changed, too. But what we shared shall remain the same in that now distant past.

If our eyes meet again, we'll never know what we are to each other until we get there.

Me said...

For all the he'll I've been through I would live it again knowing you were at the end waiting for me

Ben said...

i miss you. so so much.

Tiny Goes Retail said...

whoever you writing about had a huge impact on your life and it must be tearing you apart but life goes on time waits for no man so moving on is important just one step at a time!!

Iam said...

this is simply a beautiful sadness.

Prixie said...

I'm am sure you are missed that way too.

Anonymous said...

I love you, sweetheart. Find your strength. Trying to do the same. This helps. me

the other side of me said...


Nur said...


Anonymous said...

There really is.

Anonymous said...

I never wrote with your eloquence but I always wrote from the heart. Can't seem to write at all anymore.

Anonymous said...

There's so many songs that don't sound the same.

Ah, you know it really hurts when love songs seem to talk about you -- and to you.

This person said...

I didn't know what I was feeling until I read this. Maybe if I show this to the others, they'll finally understand. Maybe they'll feel like crying, too.

Anonymous said...

gut wrenchingly beautiful

Savannah said...

And out of the wealth of English dictionary all you get to read back to your experience confessions is 'Lovely'...
I can bet you anything you want these words alone make you wanna kill yourself of disillusion over lack of intellect, when all you long for is communication…

SaysMindy said...


Felisa Tan said...

omg this is way too deep :"(

Nad said...

There's hardly one thing in any of my days that doesn't remind me of you :)

Anonymous said...

Like the sound of the piano and the violin. Like they're telling me you're here, even if you're not.

Anonymous said...

"You took everything I am,
everything I have,
and set it on fire
burnt it to dust but I came closer...
because I needed the warmth."