Friday, October 28, 2011

The Whole World Is Watching

You're younger than you'll be tomorrow. You've never been closer to the day you die. Go. Now.


Berry said...

brutally honest and very true. I should go. Now. Then again, so should you

Anonymous said...

Keep hiding. Me.

Anonymous said...

Hate is a strong word. I prefer "I love you", even it seems fake.


Cassy said...

Today's my birthday

I think it's good I saw this today.

Anonymous said...

This is just so beautiful. You are beautiful.

FeverDream said...

i can't do anything that involves losing you. even though i've already lost you..

Anonymous said...

Ah, people should remind themselves of this more often. The best time is indeed now.

Dreamer said...

I'm older than I once was.. Yet I'm younger than I will ever be.. Yes, my time here is even more limited..

Anonymous said...

Something's in the way.

Kat Whoo said...

Go. But don't go far. And not for long.

Brittany said...

I try, But the world inside.
holds me


emme said...

the whole world is watching, but no one is listening

123456 said...

(: Is it a coincidence that this was posted at the legendary 11:11?