Friday, July 6, 2012

The Footsteps Made Of Fire

When you bring light, be careful of those who cannot see, who would try to bring you dark.


- said...

I'll be careful and adamant. Adamant and unyielding about bringing light.

Puti Adrian said...

but what if it happens otherwise? what if our light attract the dark to cross over? :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, after being in the dark for so long the light is painful.
But, don't fear it.

Anonymous said...

be careful of those who are so afraid of the light, they hide in the dark.

Anonymous said...

But I don't know what is Light and what is Dark anymore.
If I were to bring Light I would not know better and might bring Dark instead. I never want that.
I'm so confused and mixed up, and I want stability again. I want to reveal things and bring Light;knowledge,justice, incredible positive things. But the Darkness just seems to become just as apparent as Light and I cannot tell the difference. They're both so big and different, yet at the same time exactly alike. And I am but a microscopic being of insignificance and filth of imperfection set on to the vast universe with foolish beliefs and intentions of goodwill to the small hopeless humanity.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you sc.

I still love you.

Anonymous said...

Everyone can minimize it

(I even did. To protect myself.)

but I did love you.

Anonymous said...

Finally, It All came down - this this!

J said...

Oh come on, it was so obvious I wasn't over it and you don't feel the same for me so what am I doing? Fingers crossed you do well, be happy and stay out of trouble. Bowing out dude. You know everything you need to know so this my last post to you.