Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Purpose Of Love

When I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, you're the only person that can remind me.


Iris said...

And when I feel too much and too many, you're the only one who can remind me how to hush and put my heart to sleep.

Anonymous said...

and yet you chose not to let me know...leaving me hanging in between...burning for you still. You're one wicked lad.

Anonymous said...


illuninati said...

Anonymous... so you know him too :p

illuninati said...

@ Anonymous... so you know him too :p

Anonymous said...

but it was so painful. i'd rather not feel.

FeverDream said...

when i've forgotten how to speak you find my words, and when i can't seem to smile i borrow your's. you're my missing piece...

it's disheartening.

zepp said...

That's probably what will I say after " Dear my future love,"

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking picture, beautiful words.

You remind me to see the beauty in everything. Even in pain, in loss, in emptiness.

Anonymous said...

i'm that only person. i dont need you anymore!!!!!! i feel amazing.

AshLiz said...

And this is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

He's far from wicked otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for him.

lee said...

Appeal to emotions. Not working on me. If u really cared to know you will find me and ask

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have called me sweetheart, if you already knew you'd never text me back.

Anonymous said...

I don't need you anymore.

RMC said...

... There's never been a proper definition founded for should in the context of emotion. Maybe a few footprints in the snow mistaken for truth cast to stone, but not much more. This is why there is debate amongst philosophers questioning whether or not philosophy was dead. By which they meant that it was exclusively applicable to those living in the same era given the inevitable return of spring by my metaphors path. Well they were wrong if the deeper and more cogent truth is seen as the only right one, which it generally is.

We essentially live in a malleable reality & the sting of the societal wasp can only afflict those who grant it power. Just felt the need to spell that out a bit for all who've commented on this. It would be better if should was replaced by; it would be better if... & that's not subjective, breaking the collective illusions away sheds a little more light on what's actually real.

To the publishing party; It takes a lot to put yourself out there in today's world & doing so is quite respectable. Keep it up!

Refer hate mail to; luckyse7entillheaven@yahoo.com

DreamsAndTearsAreMade said...


Anonymous said...

"Just so you know, I don't. And I refuse to care." -iwtfy Because I can't say it any better.