Monday, September 17, 2012

The Ship Made Of Broken Parts Can Still Go Anywhere

You only fix the things you feel deserve to be fixed, as if you're a special kind of person who doesn't deserve to sort their own life out because of who they are. Like your brokenness is a symptom of being you.

"I can let that wait, I don't need to do this because I don't deserve to have it done. My life is always only ever incomplete."

And yet, no one deserves the full benefit of being you, more than you.


Imissu said...

When a ship breaks she doesn't fix herself, all she needs is a sailors help.

Carmen Lee said...

so true!

Anonymous said...

my life in a nutshell...

Anonymous said...

my life summed up succinctly. thank you, this is something I've been trying to change for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

I check here every day, hoping to hear from you, always thankful when I do. But after over two years, I've never needed to hear anything more desperately than these words in this moment. Thank you for giving them to me.

Jesse said...

are not the sailors part of the ship?

Jesse said...

are not the sailors part of the ship?

Anonymous said...

It's as though you cut me open and read what was written on my heart.

FeverDream said...

i am not broken i am merely mismatched. i do not struggle to live; only to be here, in this very moment, now. stop trying to replace my parts with the latest enhancements! i am an older version of exactly what you want; age to fit me.

The Lone Disciple said...

We all are metaphorical ships. We all have some part of us broken. We all need others to be the sailors that sail the ship through the tough times.

Anonymous said...
