Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Point of Contact

And then my soul saw you and it kind of went "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you."


Monsieur Rien said...

I've felt that way, once upon a time.

Not waiting anymore for the story to begin. The interlude is coming to an end.

Anonymous said...

Resonance. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I also have felt this way once upon a time... sadly I did nothing of it. I never saw her again.

Anonymous said...



all my life.

Anonymous said...

I hope you felt it too the night your friends introduced us to each other, because they said we'd be perfect for each other.

now, I know why they said that.

Anonymous said...

I pray we'd meet again. You are beautiful.

Krys said...

there you are.. again and again.. and then the world stopped. i know that something must had led me to you.

Krys said...

there you are.. again and again.. and then the world stopped. i know that something must had led me to you.

Anonymous said...

I sort of feel like i've seen this somewhere else.. is it original?

Anonymous said...


I can't tell anyone else right now because they don't understand. Maybe i'm foolish, but maybe there's someone out there who could know how this feels.

I wish even before I said it, someone could somehow sense how I was feeling and let me know if they resonate.

I don't even feel safe enough to say it. There's a chance she might see this. I can't take that risk. But I need to know that love is real. Because if I felt this way about her and she doesn't love me like I thought she did, I don't know what to believe.

I really hope that my life can change now. Your words stopped me from shaking and feeling sick tonight.

Anonymous said...

Text me tomorrow. Please. I need you right now.

Anonymous said...

I saw him and I just knew.

He's my other half.

I have great eyesight though.

He's still trying to find his glasses. :)

Anonymous said...

please can anybody explain me what does this sentence means...“And then my soul saw you and it kind of went "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you.”

C. said...

This made me want to write:

I think I was wandering through life, a bit carelessly, a bit absentmindedly. And the same way we forget we have lost an object within the realms of our houses, the same way we learn to live without it even though we once got to believe there was not possible existence in the presence of its absence, the same way we find it after what can only feel like centuries to the empty space it used to occupy, which grows exponentially as centuries go by, the same way we react to its discovery with the calmest of smiles and the indifference of someone who found something knowing all along that was not possible to have really lost it because it has always been a part of them, like that, that’s how I found you, and my sleepy soul felt a shiver when I thought I saw in your eyes the color of someone else’s I had met many lifetimes ago. “Oh, there you are, I've been looking for you”.

Thanks for the inspiration, I thought I shared it with you

Goodvibes13 said...

That was so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing 💚