I fell in love with the way you wrote. How you took the time to say exactly what you meant instead of leaving everything to those inane moments when we’d meet in the street, making strange noises with our mouths in the hope that they’d somehow convey how we felt.
You and I were always better written down than standing up.
I feel like this is my entry. Either for me or by me, I think it might apply either way sometimes.
Then I think this is my most perfect entry.
I am surprised how many people bypass the beauty written thought.
I don't spend much time crafting my words. I prefer the feeling as they flow on to the page.
The best part is when someone is touched by something I said and relates back in similar form.
Perhaps the larger type font for this entry gives it more weight? :-)
I fell in love with the way you wrote.
I'm sure some of your readers would like to say this right back at you.
I fell in love with someone over the internet. When we met in person, there were not words enough to say all we felt, so this entry resonates even though he's gone now.
Maybe one day we will understand the complexity behind the beauty of words.
I believe words and language are the most important discoveries in the history of mankind. I believe, because we think and interact with the people and universes around us with words, that they shape our perception of who and what we are. Not in a romantic sense, in a very real and practical sense. We are the words we speak, think and feel. I try and choose my words very carefully.
That's a lesson I should carve down in my mind, so I can remember it forever. I need to choose my words more carefully.
This is exactly how I feel about the last person I "fell for." It was his way with the written word.
Still, every time I read his words, I feel them too. They still touch me.
Sometimes it hurts, but I never want to lose that. <3
Thanks c.e.z., I guess it can be a good hurt sometimes. Better to feel these things than not, in my humble opinion. Thank you for reading it.
someday you might see this. and know that I never meant to leave. I only tried to make you happy. And that's what love is. Being happy for you even though you have cut me down and you blame me for it. When you said my words meant nothing, you said I mean nothing. And if I am truly a part of you, and all I have to know that is your words, you would understand why that makes everything I am nothing here.
This is me. It's how I work in my mind, exactly. And the lack of people who think like this, it just makes me feel so disheartened, because connecting with people is so difficult, when they don't understand how you think.
Doesn't that worry you a little?
I absolutely love this one. Perfection to the farthest extent.
And I think I can speak for a lot of us why I say: We fell in love with the way you wrote.
I've recently realised how much better I can express myself when I write than when I talk.
I fell in love with the way YOU wrote
He he! That's me to a T! I'm always spending way too much time writing things like e-mails. Gosh, sometimes I drive myself nuts with it. But I always do say exactly what I mean to say! Lol. :P :)
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